Chapter Eleven

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I was not being honest when I told Winston I did not want 'anything', it was not true but I was confused. My mother had instilled rock hard values in me and jumping straight into bed with another man, that I hardly knew,  so very soon went against these. However I really liked Winston, he was funny, honest, easy to talk to and we shared a lot of interests and I found him very attractive, almost magnetic.

I could not believe I was here in an almost strangers apartment trying to decide whether I wanted make love to him or not. I was worried about my behaviour earlier in the afternoon, it probably seemed to him like I was leading him on. If Marian had not arrived back I think I would have let him take me right there on her couch.

I checked my phone, I had seven missed calls from my ex and a variety of text messages from him. The first ones declared his undying love and the last ones, probably the ones he sent as he reached the bottom of a bottle of brandy, became threatening telling me I was being stupid, if did not go back immediately I would lose him for ever and I was going to regret it.

My phone sprang to life, it was him, 'What?,' I spat, 'What do you want?'

'Where are you? Let me come and get you.' He had been drinking, I could tell. 'I know you are not with Marian, it's two in the morning Hayley. Who are you with?'

'It's none of your buisiness anymore, it's over for us', I told him.

'What's that supposed to mean, It's not over. Meet me and let me talk to you. You said you would call me.'  

'Yes, well I was busy,' I snapped.

'Where the hell are you, Hayley?

'It's late, you need to stop drinking and get some sleep, I will call you tomorrow, good Bye,' and I ended the call. 'Where the hell is Winston', I thought.

The text messages started again and again it was the brandy talking. His last one read 'if you are with that tattooed freak I am going to kill you.' I did not feel like crying over him anymore I was really pissed off.

His last text made my decision for me, I was going to sleep with Winston out if he wanted to and I went into his bathroom to try and freshen up before he got back. 'Where the hell as he gone?' I thought to myself and I began to slightly worry.

He had told me to make myself at home so I decided to snoop, actually he did not really have that much to snoop on, it was like he had just moved in. He had a couple of movies, most of them were my favourites and a few books. One of the books was really old and it looked like it was written in Latin and ancient Latin at that. It had what looked like names written on the back page, rather odd I thought.

His room was practically bare merely a bed, which was huge and a bedside table. Just then I heard the front door slam and Winston shout 'Hayley?' Damn it, I was in his room, how was I going to explain that one. I walked into the lounge, 'yes?' I asked him. He smiled and raised his eyebrows, 'you want a personal tour of my room,' I blushed, he was always making me blush. 'I thought you had left for a moment,' he said 'and I thought you had got lost', I replied and he smiled at me. 'Drink?' I nodded why not I thought.

We both sat down on his couch with beers in hand, he sat really close to me and put his arm around my shoulders. 'Have you just moved in?' I asked him and he laughed, 'No, the ex cleared me out one day while I was at work. She took everything, even my dog and I have got used to it now. Besides I have less to clean this way'

'Did she really take your dog?' I asked him, 'Yes, she was an evil cow and she did it to hurt me. I have no idea where she went with him.' My heart leapt for him, I knew exactly how he felt.

 Which movie do you what to watch?'

I took a deep breath 'I'd rather have that tour,' I said looking right at him, inviting him with my eyes. I thought to myself, 'I actually want you to make love to me all night', I wished I could say it to him out loud but I was too embrassed.

I don't know how he did it so quickly but suddenly both of our untouched drinks were on the floor and he was kissing me, his mouth slamed into mine so hard it actually made me gasp. As I gasped he lunged his tongue into my mouth and again I felt as if he had heard me. I felt so connected to him and I wanted him to take me right there.

He pulled off my jumper so hard it I heard it rip and threw it to the other side of the room, his breathing had become unstable and he was moaning as he kissed me. 'I want you Hayley', he said to me, ' and I want you to want me back Hayley,' he panted.

'I do want you Winston' I told him and it was true, I'd never wanted another person so much in my entire life. I could not understand it and I let him take me right there and then. I can tell you I never experienced anything like it in my life.  Sex with Winston was unpredicateble, it was new, it was raw and I enjoyed every minute of it. Sometimes I felt almost dirty, I did things I'd never before, but I liked it and it's private so I can't tell you about it.

The only thing I did do that I regretted was in the morning, Winston had his back to me and I was admiring his skull tattoo, I took a picture of him with my phone and sent it to my ex saying, 'I am with him and he says hi,'

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