Chapter Nine

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Just before Winston had left he had held my head in his hands and kissed me full on the mouth and I had kissed him back, it had felt surreal and I was unsure how this evening would play out because every time I was with him I wanted him, even from the first moment I met him I had. When I was not with him memories of my ex came flooding back and it hurt. I was so confused about my feelings for Winston and he was coming on to me strongly but I honestly liked it. I loved being with him and I liked how he made me feel.

He had told me dress causal, but did that mean, smart casual or casual casual. It was ok for men they could just throw on T-shirt and jeans, women had to have the right shoes blah blah. I quickly showered and decided on casual casual but I would go to town on my make up which I sometimes liked to do heavy.

I dressed in dark jeans and light brown jumper. I threw on some brown wedged ankle boots and grabbed my wollie hat as it was windy outside and went into the lounge to wait for Winston, it was almost ten. Thinking about him actually gave me butterflies in my stomach and wondered what he was doing right now. Since he had left I kept thinking about his kiss and how I felt when he touched me.

Marian was engrossed in some book, she looked up and as I entered,'Ooo, someone is out to impress. You look nice.' she said.

'Thanks, I'm rather nervous', I told her.

'You don't have to go', she said, 'there is..............' and she stopped mid sentence.

'What is it,' I asked her. 

She smiled, 'Nothing Hayley.'

'Don't lie, tell me,' I answered.

Don't you think it's a little rushed. You need to give yourself time to breathe.'

'I want to forget my shitty life and have some fun. I actually like him.' I said.

'There is something about him I don't trust and you hardly know him. Maybe it's better to meet him during the day,'

'Really! Well you seemed to like him at dinner, you agreed with everything he said.' I was slightly taken aback by her comments. I felt the need to defend him. 'What do you mean there is something about him?'

'I can't put my finger on it, I felt like I had to agree with him.'

'That does not make sense,' I told her. 'So you think I should go back to 'him' instead.'

'No, Hayley honey of course not. I just don't want you jumping from the fry pan into the fire, that's all. I can see he is very good looking, but all those tattoos. I just don't understand it and he was fighting when you met him.'

'So what, my ex was clean cut looking and successful and look what he did to me.' tears started to well in eyes. She put down her book and started to apologise, 'I'm sorry,' she said and walked over and hugged me, 'I am just looking out for you, I don't want to spoil your evening. What time is he coming for you?'

'Ten', I answered looking at my watch it was already twenty past ten, 'He's late, I bet he's changed his mind,'

Just then there was a loud knock at the door, I ran to open it and there standing behind a huge bunch of daffodils was a beaming Winston.

'Daffodils, my favourite,' I exclaimed.

'Sorry I'm late,' he said handing me the flowers, 'these are for you.'

I took them from Winston, who was looking rather gorgeous. He was dressed in long shorts and a striped jumper, the look really suited him and I doubt many would not manage to pull it off but he did with ease. I quickly put the flowers in water and Winston took my hand, turned to Marian and said, 'She'll be late, don't wait up,' I smiled he was so cheeky. He pulled me outside and closed the door and to my surprise he pushed me up against the wall and began to passionately kiss me and I did not attempt to stop him.

As he pulled away he winked at me, 'Ready?' he asked and I nodded. He took hold of my hand and we began to walk outside. There on the pavement was a huge gleaming motorcycle. Winston walked right over and climbed on it. 'Wow', I gasped, 'is this yours?' he nodded. 'Like it?' he asked me as he handed me a helmet. 'I love it,' I answered and I know it's a bit cliche but looking at him, sitting on that bike, magnified his hotness by 100%. I put on the helmet and went to sit behind him but he stopped me.

'I want you to sit in front of me, I want to hold you.' he said and so I climbed in front of him, he slid one arm around my waist and said 'are you ready?' I nodded, he kissed my neck, rested his chin on shoulder and we set off.

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