Chapter three

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The light was just coming through the windows when I awoke. I  thought I had heard the door bang so I got up to investigate but there was no one there.

My neck was sore and my back ached from sleeping on this crummy couch and I felt sick to my stomach. I sat back down on the couch and held my head in my hands and I started to cry. What the hell was I supposed to do now. There was no way I could go back to him, it was definitely over.

I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand 'Idiot, you're an idiot' I shouted to myself 'a bloody fool'. I'd let now myself be taken in by him and his lies again and again and again. What was I supposed to tell people that he'd cheated on me again and on our anniversary, I would be a laughing stock.

Just then the door opened and Marian walked in, 'Hayley love, what are you doing here,' she said and then she looked me up and down. I was still in the same clothes that I had left in yesterday and as she observed my tear stained face and she said 'Oh no, he has'nt', I just nodded and burst into tears.  She held out her arms and I willingly walked into them and I sobbed into her shoulder as she embraced me.

'What I am supposed to do now?' I sobbed.

'You pick yourself up and you carry on, don't let him ruin your life. Don't let him see you cry.' she answered.

'He already has seen me cry and my life, I changed my whole life for him, I left everything to be with him and now I have nothing. I am such a failure, I'm a fool.' I was still sobbing.

'He is the fool not you and don't you speak about yourself like that anymore. You are beautiful, you are clever and you are young. ' she said as she stroked my hair.

We sat there for around one hour well she tried to calm and soothe me.

'Look I have to go, I'm due in court soon. Go to my place sort yourself out and I will meet you back here this afternoon' and she handed my her house keys. I willingly took them, hugged her hard and thanked her. 'I see you later then' I kissed her and walked out the door. Following the rain last night the air was fresh and crisp. Small puddles had formed in the street and I had to jump over them, as walked to my car, I was still wearing my slippers.

I put the key into the lock and as always had a five minute struggle to turn the lock, he (my ex) never had time to look at it for me and I had not got around to taking it to a garage yet. I kicked the door in frustration and as if by magic the key turned and I opened the car door. I was just about sit in the drivers seat when I noticed something under one of the window wipers it was a flower, a yellow daffodil in fact, one of my favourite flowers. I smiled and picked it up, 'How did you get here.' I asked it as I twirled it in my finger. It definitely was NOT my ex, he would never buy me daffodils, he thought they were too common and too cheap.

I tucked through one of the button holes on the cardigan I was wearing, got into the car and started to drive to Marians place. The roads were relatively clear and she lived nearby so I was there within five minutes, I jumped as my mobile rang and tears welled as I looked at the caller id, it was him, it was my ex. I sat there staring at the screen watching his smiling lying face flash right before me. Then it stopped.

>You have one new voice mail> appeared on the screen and then it I received a text message

His face again began to flash on my phone I just sat and watched it and started to cry. I remembered taking that picture he had taken me on a surprise romantic break and we had driven to New York and done all the traditional sight seeing, bought the tourist crap and had a really good time. We stopped outside some bar ordered a few beers and a variety of finger foods and he put on the 'I heart New York' t-shirt we had just bought. I had thought this was hilarious as he was a 'designer guy' every thing had to have a name and be expensive so I had taken a picture to mark the occasion. It was my favourite picture of him, he looked care free, relaxed and he looked happy.

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