Chapter four

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I was pacing my apartment up and down. up and down, up and down, yes I had something on my mind. It had been one day since I sent her the flowers, with my cell number, and she had not called to say thank you. I knew she had liked them as I had watched her open the card and I saw her smile, a rather large smile I might add.

I knew her ex, easy to manipulate, boyfriend had been trying to contact her and wondered if that was the reason and now I wished I'd gotten rid of him much earlier. I pulled at my hair in frustration not knowing what to do next.

I searched out for her with my mind but was unable to find her, I was furious and started to kick things around the apartment. Earlier just for a brief moment I did connect with her and commanded that she turn her cell off to stop her from speaking to him and she had obeyed me. That showed, no, confirmed everything for me, she was supposed to be mine and only mine.

I decided to walk to her place of work and I watched her inside talking to her boss. I liked her boss she was kind to her and I should have felt guilt that I would have to destroy that relationship too but for Hayley to fully come to me, she had to have no-one at all in her life to turn too but me as that was how it worked. Life sucks as they say.

I heard her complaining about her clothes, her slippers and the fact she had nothing at all with her. Boss lady had insisted on Hayley staying with her for the next couple of weeks until she 'sorted herself out' whatever that meant. So I knew 'he' was working that night and she planned to go home and pack her things.

'Fantastic' I thought, 'Another opportunity to set up a fake meeting' and I left to feed and get myself ready. I went to my favourite feeding spot, it was a magnet for prostitutes, drug pushers, drug users and the homeless and I could pick whoever I wanted as these were the dregs society did not care about.

I leaned against the wall and looked around me, no normal sane person would ever come here at this time, dusk had started to fall and a strong wind begun to pick up and then I saw what I wanted, a young whore. She noticed me watching her and she started to walk over, trying to sway her hips as she walked but she was unable to pull it off, she just looked like she had a problem with her back and I started to laugh.

'Lonely, honey?' she asked me. I nodded. 'You want some company for a while, you want me to make you feel good.' I nodded again. I looked at her, she was dirty, she actually stunk to high heaven and I could not believe that men actually paid to stick their dick in that. She should have been paying them, her hair was greasy and almost matted at one side, her teeth were yellow and her nails were brown from years of smoking cigarettes. I decided I was going to her a favour and drain her dry. Her life sucked anyway, she should thank me for putting out of her misery. She was feral and feral animals needed putting down.

She looked up at me 50$ for hand, 70$ for a suck, 150$ for a fuck and I don't kiss on the mouth. I laughed out loud and she looked puzzled. 'Kiss on the mouth,' I thought, 'as 'fucking' if.'

I stared at her, 'I want something else' I growled at her and I licked my teeth with my tongue so she could see my fangs and I let my eyes turn dark, this always freaked humans out. I smiled as I began to smell the start of fear and I started to move closer towards her. Instinct made her start to back away. Fear always smells the best when it first starts, they knew something is wrong, they try and reassure themselves and then realisation sinks in. I grabbed her hard by her throat, my hand actually covered her entire neck, she was tiny. She could not even scream as I was holding her so tightly slowly choking her, I made her walk into the nearest alley and as I threw her against the wall. I let go of her and now, as she could, she started to scream for help.

I laughed 'No-one here cares,' I told her, 'you'd better start to run' and she did. Instead of trying to run past me out into the open where hundreds of other people where, the stupid whore ran further into the alley. I shook my head, you would actually be surprised if I told you how many people did this, humans are utter idiots. You attack them in their house and where do they run for?, the front door, no, they always run up the stairs, like where the fuck do they are going to go from there.

I started to whistle as I walked slowly after her, I had seen this on a horror movie once and thought it gave great dramatic effect, humans did have good imaginations. I could smell her fear and I inhaled it deeply. She kept falling over, she could not walk in those shoes let alone run. I loved the chase and the build up to the attack, I enjoy watching them struggle, trying to hold on to their life. They run as fast as they and then bam, she slammed right into my chest and I grabbed her. I could see the confusion in her eyes as wondered how I was suddenly in front of her, when seconds ago I was at the far end of the alley.  'I'm hungry,' I told her and she let out a blood curdling scream as I sank my fangs into her neck, she was only young and she tasted delicious.

I pulled away, let go of her and she fell to her knees, she looked up at me, 'What are you?' she asked, 'I'm a vampire,' I told her and she started to shake her head. 'No,' she said. I smiled, 'and I'm a hungry vampire,' and she started to cry and held her hands out as if she could stop me. All I could focus on was her wrist held right in front of me, I too dropped to my knees and I grabbed her wrist, bit the back and started to feed again. I could feel her struggling, she was hitting me and trying to pull her arm away and she started to scream for help again. I wanted her to be quiet so I grabbed her by her neck with my right hand and squeezed it. She was now, again, struggling for air but at least she was quiet, I let go of her wrist and licked my lips. Her eyes were wide with fear and I inhaled deeply.

I could do this for hours, I once attacked a girl for four days before I finally ended her, I could be evil when I wanted to but right now I had somewhere to be. I had a date with an angel, I picked up the whore and she began to plead for her life, 'What life', I said to her and I sank my fangs, again, into her neck and fed until her heart stopped beating.

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