Chapter 3: Keep Your Mouth Shut

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"Do you have somewhere to stay?" I could see Ivy cutting her eyes at me, but I simply ignored her. The girl looked barely over 18 so it was only right that I made sure she was okay.

"Yes, I'm staying with a friend down here." She replied. "It's getting late so I should go ahead and go. Is it okay if I come over tomorrow say around 3?" she asked looking at Ivy.

I looked over at Ivy myself to only finding her staring back at me. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.

"Uh sure that's fine. Ivy? That's cool right?" I let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, that's fine Kellen." She walked over toward me and we began walking Natalie to the door. I grabbed Amir from her arms and handed him to Ivy.

"I guess I'll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight Kellen," she made eye contact with Ivy and smirked. "Goodnight Ivy."

Ivy gave her a short smile and waved. "Goodnight Natalie."

I watched her to the car before closing the door behind me and locking it.

"What was that?" I asked making my way upstairs to Amir's room. Ivy followed behind me, and I could just feel the attitude radiating off of her.

"I don't trust her." She spat.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "I don't really trust her either, but she's Amir's aunt, and she's practically a child. What harm could she be?" We made it up to Amir's room and I stood in the doorframe watching as Ivy put him to bed. "I'll be here with you tomorrow when she comes by, okay?"

"Okay," she sighed. She bent down to give Amir a kiss before walking out of his room. I placed a kiss on his forehead, and followed behind Ivy. I made sure to turn off Amir's room light, turn on the nightlight, and close the door.



I knocked twice on Caya's door and waited for her to open it. I bounced Amir up and down in my arms, growing impatient. Finally, Caya opened the door and stepped to the side to let us in.

"Hey mama, what's got you all antsy?" she asked scrunching up her nose.

I swiftly walked down the hall toward Cj and Kali playroom. I opened the door and placed Amir in his playpen. I walked back out, leaving the door open and joined Caya in the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge, before grabbing a wine glass out of the dish rack. I poured myself a glass, and hopped into the barstool.

"Nami has a sister." I blurted out. Caya's facial expression remained unchanged. "Did you hear me?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She nodded. "Uh yes I heard you, but why should I care about Nami having a sister?"

"Because she knows!" I yelled. "She knows Caya, she f*cking knows!" I downed all of the contents in my glass before sitting it back on the table. "I could tell by the way she was looking at me she knew something Caya. Now she's talking about wanting to form a relationship with Amir, and I just know she's going to tell Kellen!"

Caya shook her head. "Calm down Ivy. No one is going to tell Kellen anything, no one knows anything." She lowered her voice. "And Tahj is here so keep it down. There is no evidence that leads back to us, so we are good."

I shook my head defiantly. "No! I have to tell him Caya. I have to tell him before she does." I felt myself start crying. I knew there was a huge chance of Kellen leaving me once he found out what we did. But, he be even more upset if he found out from someone else. I felt myself coming apart as my body shook with my cries. I wanted so badly to have this perfect relationship with Kellen, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it all came tumbling down.

"Ivy!" Caya screamed while shaking my body furiously. "Get your shit together. Nami's little bitch ass sister is going to keep her mouth closed, and no one is going to ever find out about this." She said through gritted teeth. She walked over to the island and grabbed a paper towel. She came back over in front of me and started drying my face. "Pull yourself together and keep your mouth shut. You love Kellen right?" I nodded. "Are you really willing to throw all that away because you're being paranoid? No one saw us that night Ivy," she hissed. "No one!"

I felt completely torn. I knew for a fact that Natalie suspected something from the looks she was giving me last night. But, on the other hand I didn't want to go blabbing to Kellen if she really didn't know anything. I wanted him to trust me fully, and the guilt was eating me alive. I just wasn't quite sure if I was truly willing to throw my life away.

I sighed and wiped underneath my eyes.

"You good?" Caya asked while pouring me up another glass of wine.

I nodded and downed the glass in one gulp. "We're good." I replied, giving her my best game face.

Should Ivy tell Kellen what really happened to Nami?

Do you guys think Natalie knows something ?

Is Caya wrong for telling Ivy to lie to Kellen?

Who do you want to see a POV from next?

Thanks for your continued support. I love you guys!!


Nalani Rose  

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