Chess mach 2

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"Let's play chess."
"But... remember what happened last time?" said Goku.
"I promise that if I lose, I won't attack you," said Vegeta. "But let's make a bet, same one as when we played Bull Shit."
"What was that one again?" asked Goku.
"If I win, you have to do what I say for a whole day," said Vegeta.
"Like a slave?" Vegeta smirked.
"Yes." Goku thought.
"Okay, but if I win, you have to go buy a pair of leather pants." Vegeta laughed.
"Deal," he said, standing. Goku stood as well, and they walked to the chess board. They sat down. "Make your move," said Vegeta, looking determined. Goku nodded and moved his knight, just like he did last time. Vegeta smiled and moved his knight as well.
"Copy cat," said Goku, smiling.
"There's no rule against doing the same move as your opponent," said Vegeta with an evil smirk. Goku mindlessly moved a pawn in the range of Vegeta's knight. Vegeta laughed and immediately took the pawn. Goku blinked and smiled.
"Oops," he said. They continued playing, and Vegeta was much more aware of Goku's moves. After about twenty minutes, Vegeta had cleared most of Goku's pieces from the board.
"Check," said Vegeta, moving his rook dangerously close to Goku's king. Goku bit his lip, moving his king away from the rook. Vegeta chuckled softly, and Goku's eyes widened.
"Damn!" he said, and Vegeta moved his queen.
"Checkmate!" he shouted, and stood up quickly, arms in the air. "YES!! I've finally beaten you! I did it!" Goku smiled, watching him gloat.
"Congratulations," he said with a smile. "Wanna go back into the bedroom now?" Vegeta smirked, staring him down.
"Oh no... not yet..." he said softly, and Goku blinked. "I'll be back in a minute or two." Vegeta left the house quickly. Goku scratched his head, wondering where he was going. He decided to go to the room and wait for him there. He sat on the bed, picking feathers out of his pillow. A few minutes later, Vegeta came back in, getting on the bed and suddenly wrapping a black dog collar around Goku's neck. He gasped in surprise, then watched as he also hooked on a leash.

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