Night in the Hospital

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"Vegeta!" she yelled, and Vegeta looked over quickly. Goku lowered his hands. He was dripping with blood. "Alright, that's it! You're going into a separate room! You two obviously can't get along!" Bulma grabbed Vegeta by the wrist and pulled him out of the room. Goku panted, staggering over to his bed and laying down. He winced, lifting his arm and seeing tiny pieces of glass stuck in his skin. He began pulling them out, flinching with pain as he did. Bulma came back in after a few minutes and started to help Goku get the glass out of his skin. "I'm so sorry about him, Goku..."
"I'm kind of used to it," he replied.
"But you shouldn't be used to it!" she protested. "You two should be getting along! After I help you dress your wounds, I'm going back in there and giving him a strict talking to..."
"Do you really think that'll have any impact?" asked Goku.
"Who knows..." Bulma got up and got some bandages from a cupboard. She began applying them to the many abrasions on his body. "There... now don't try going in there and reasoning with him, just stay in here for the rest of the night... I'm sorry, again..."
"It's not your fault, Bulma," Goku lied. In a way, it was her fault. Bulma walked to the next room where Vegeta was laying in a different bed, glaring at the ceiling.
"Are you proud of yourself?" she asked.
"I don't need this right now, Bulma," said Vegeta.
"I'm just going to say that Goku has saved your ass multiple times, and I think you should be nicer to him," Bulma snapped. "Maybe you should let go of some of your pride and follow your heart for once." She stormed out, slamming the door. Vegeta continued to stare at the ceiling.

Later that night, the rooms were already dark, and Goku had been asleep for a few hours. However, he was suddenly awakened by his growling stomach. He sat up, looking around. He seriously doubted that there was food in this little room. He got out of his bed and slowly opened the door leading into the hall. Maybe he could find a vending machine. As he passed Vegeta's room, the door opened, and he froze.
"Kakarot, what are you doing?" he said sleepily.
"I... I got hungry..." Goku replied innocently. Vegeta sighed.
"Come here," he demanded, going back into his room. Goku followed curiously. Vegeta sat on his bed and lifted his pillow. There were a few candy bars beneath it.
"Where'd you get those?" Goku asked, immediately sitting on the bed as well and taking one.
"Trunks stopped by and gave them to me," Vegeta explained. "He was acting very strange..." Goku ate the candy bar quickly, not really listening. Vegeta stared at him, lips parted. He laughed. "Here, have them all."
"Thanks!" said Goku, snatching the rest and gobbling them down.
"Jesus, when was the last time you ate?" Vegeta asked.
"Well, I had breakfast yesterday," said Goku. "But I ended up not eating very much because I was thinking about the dream." Vegeta went silent. Goku finished eating and sighed. "Thanks! I needed that." He got up to leave, but Vegeta grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down.
"Stay here..." he muttered. Goku blinked.
"Oh... okay..." he said slowly. "For how long?"
"For the rest of the night."
"You mean... sleep in here?"
"Yes." There was silence. They stared at each other.
"Why?" asked Goku after a few minutes.
"Dammit, Kakarot!" Vegeta hissed, and he forced him down on the bed, laying on top of him and kissing him deeply. Goku gasped and pushed him away for a second.
"Wait a minute," he said. "I thought you didn't want to do this..."
"Bulma told me I should be nicer to you and to 'follow my heart,'" said Vegeta softly. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I'm doing it."
"I don't think this is what she meant..." said Goku, smiling nervously.
"I don't really care," Vegeta retorted. "Do you want to kiss me or not?"
"I do... I really do..."
"Then shut up." Vegeta continued to kiss him, and Goku closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around him. His heart was pounding, and he was very excited. It took him a few moments to realize that Vegeta was excited as well. Vegeta broke the kiss, and instead brushed his lips over Goku's cheek, pressing his hips against him slightly. Goku let out a small moan, blushing. Vegeta chuckled softly. "You're so easy..." he muttered.
"Am not..." Goku argued, but he knew Vegeta was right. He would do anything for Vegeta at this moment... or even let Vegeta do anything to him. Vegeta sat up slightly, straddling Goku. He crossed his arms, staring down at him through the darkness. "... What?" Goku asked, but Vegeta just smirked. "Vegeta... why did you stop?" He gently tugged at Vegeta's shirt, urging him to continue.
"Easy," Vegeta repeated, and Goku blushed. Vegeta slowly let his hands crawl under Goku's shirt, brushing his finger tips over his hip bones. Goku trembled slightly, pleasant chills working through his body and bringing a fresh wave of heat to his cheeks. Vegeta gripped Goku's shirt and pulled it over his head, taking it off of him and tossing it to the floor.
"That's not fair," said Goku. "Now I'm all self conscious..." Vegeta chuckled again.
"You're so pathetic," he said. "If you want me to do something, you need to tell me to do it."
"I can't just order you around like that," Goku protested.
"Sometimes you have to in order to get what you want. So what do you want from me, Kakarot?" He ran his index finger down Goku's chest, all the way to the button on his pants. Goku blushed, lips parted.
"Take... your shirt off..." he said slowly, not wanting to sound too demanding. Vegeta smiled and removed his shirt, tossing it on the floor along with Goku's.
"Better?" he asked, laying back down on top of him, pressing close.
"Much," Goku breathed. Vegeta wrapped his arms around him and kissed him pationately again, but this time was a little more rough. They lay there, kissing until the sun came up. Eventually, Vegeta pulled his lips from Goku's and rest his head on his chest, both of them panting slightly.
"Kakarot..." said Vegeta hoarsly, closing his eyes.
"Yes?" Goku muttered, his eyelids drooping slightly.
"I'll kill you if you tell anyone about this," Vegeta murmered, his words slurring a bit.
"How could I expect anything less from you?" said Goku with a weak laugh, his eyes closing as well. Vegeta didn't respond, but was breathing heavily, still laying on top of Goku. He realized that Vegeta had fallen asleep. Smiling to himself, Goku held Vegeta close to him, falling asleep soon after.

A few hours later, the sun had risen all the way and was shining bright on Goku's face. He squinted slightly, groaning and opening his eyes, blinking a few times. He looked down and saw Vegeta was still resting on his chest. He smiled and poked his head a few times.
"Vegeta, wake up..." he whispered. Vegeta opened his eyes and looked at Goku sleepily. "Good morning!" said Goku happily. Vegeta's eyes widened and he got off of him quickly.

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