Night in the forest

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It's strange," said Goku, smiling. "How you act... I can never read you. One moment, you're aggressive, powerful, and controlling... but the next moment you're gentle, sensual, and compassionate... honestly, I've never actually seen the soft side of you."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Kakarot," said Vegeta, caressing Goku's cheek.
"I now know you're a sado-masichist," he mentioned. "I hadn't known that before."
"Did you know I hold a soft spot in my heart for rabbits?" Vegeta said quietly, a little embarrassed.
"No!" said Goku. "Do you really? What other secrets do you want to share with me?"
"None that you'd be happy to hear..." Vegeta muttered.
"Oh come on, tell me!" Goku urged. Vegeta sighed.
"I helped select the planet you were assigned to destroy..." he said sadly. Goku was silent, staring at Vegeta with an unreadable expression on his face. "Don't look at me like that, Kakarot! I was a six year old Saiyan, trained for battle and raised as a killing machine! My father told me to pick out a planet for you, so I did. I knew you were supposed to destroy it, that was just what we did... but that doesn't matter now, right?" Goku searched for something to say.
"Well... I guess everything happens for a reason," he said slowly. "I wouldn't have met all my friends here... frankly, I probably would just be another heartless Saiyan..."
"Thanks," said Vegeta sarcastically.
"Oh, you know I didn't mean it like that," said Goku. Vegeta moved off of him and simply lay beside him, sighing. Goku hesitated, then gently grabbed Vegeta's hand, lacing his fingers tightly with his. "Tell me something else I don't know..."
"Well... I knew your father pretty well," Vegeta explained. "My father had him over quite a bit, and they would go off and talk about planetary trade and progression of the Saiyan military... things of that sort."
"And my mother?" asked Goku. Vegeta opened his mouth, but then furrowed his brow.
"I... never saw her.. ever," he said. "In fact, I don't think anyone knew who your mother was. I don't even think Raditz knew. He never spoke about your guys' mother." Goku was silent again, thinking. Vegeta turned on his side, facing him. "Enough of this. Who cares about that anyway? Let's talk about something else..."
"Like what?" asked Goku, turning on his side as well.
"I told you an embarrassing secret," said Vegeta, resting his hand on Goku's hip. "Tell me one of your secrets." Goku laughed.
"I don't really have many secrets," he said. "I'm not a very personal guy."
"There's got to be something I don't know about you, at least," said Vegeta. Goku thought for a second.
"Okay," he said. "This is a very little thing... but when I take a shower, while I'm washing my body, I rub the soap in my hands so it lathers up a lot, and I blow bubbles with it." Vegeta blinked, and then started laughing. Goku frowned. "Hey! I didn't make fun of you and your bunny love!"
"I'm not making fun of you, Kakarot!" Vegeta laughed, moving closer and pressing to him. "I think it's kind of... cute. And frankly, I'm not surprised that you do that. What else can you tell me?" Goku smiled.
"I suddenly really want to see you wear a pair of black leather pants," he said seductively. Vegeta blinked, blushing slightly.
"Really," he said, smirking. "Well, maybe you'll get your wish... if you're good."
"What's your interpretation of good?" Goku asked, letting his hand wander under Vegeta's shirt and along his abdomen. Vegeta chuckled softly.
"I am not going to tell you," he said softly. "You'll just have to wait and wonder."
"I don't know if I have the patience, Vegeta," Goku whined, trying to discreetly pull Vegeta's jacket off.
"Are you trying to undress me?" he inquired. Goku paused, blushing immensly.
"Maybe..." Goku muttered. Vegeta smiled and took off his jacket, as well as his shirt. He then removed Goku's shirt and proceeded to kissing his neck. Goku exhaled sharply, closing his eyes. Vegeta slowly kissed his way from Goku's neck, down his chest, and finally below his stomach, just above his pant line. He licked seductively, making Goku tremble. "Vegeta, you're driving me crazy..." he said, laughing very slightly.
"Good," said Vegeta, pressing his hand to Goku's inner thigh firmly.
"What are you trying to do down there...?" he asked softly, nervously.
"What would you like me to do, Kakarot?" Vegeta asked back, moving his hand dangerously upward.
"I want you to take control..." Goku replied. Vegeta smirked.
"That's what I like to hear..." He went to unbutton Goku's pants, when suddenly his cell phone started to ring. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath. He answered his phone. "Yes, Bulma..."
"You've been out for hours!" Bulma exclaimed. Goku was holding his breath, not wanting to make Bulma aware of his pressence. "I thought you would be home by now. I fell asleep waiting for you!"
"I told you I was going to be back whenever," Vegeta reminded her.
"Well I want you home now," Bulma ordered. "I want to go back to sleep, but I miss you sleeping by my side." Vegeta rolled his eyes.
"Fine, I'll be back in a few minutes..." he said, disapointment in his voice. He hung up without saying goodbye, looking at Goku with a frown.
"You gotta go, huh?" he asked. Vegeta nodded. They both stood up, and Vegeta grabbed his shirt and jacket, putting them back on. He handed Goku his shirt as well.
"What's our excuse for seeing each other tomorrow?" Vegeta asked. Goku smiled.
"I don't know," he replied. "I'll figure something out..." Goku stepped closer to kiss him, but Vegeta poked him in the chest with his index finger. "I still hate you, you know." Goku blinked, then laughed.
"Somehow that doesn't bother me as much," he said warmly. Vegeta smiled and reached up to kiss Goku briefly. Then he turned and dashed away, over the forest. Goku sighed, his stomach fluttering. He flew back home quickly, hoping that Chichi hadn't woken up and discovered him missing. He decided to go through different stories he could tell to excuse his absence. When he got home however, he was relieved to see that Chichi was still fast asleep. He quietly got back into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

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