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Goku looked around and saw the Saiyan prince leaning on a tree. Goku bit his lip, feeling a twinge of both anger and excitement at the sight of him. Vegeta gestured for Goku to follow him, and he took off into the air. Goku hesitated, but curiosity got the better of him, and he followed. Vegeta led him to a field that was swarming with fireflies. He landed in the grass, and Goku landed two feet away from him, brow furrowed.
"I'm not very happy with you, Vegeta," said Goku. As mad as he was however, he couldn't help but admire how Vegeta looked in the light that the fireflies gave off.
"Shut up," said Vegeta, walking up to him.
"What do you want?" Goku asked.
"Just close your eyes," Vegeta ordered. "I know you're angry with me. Just close your eyes and let it go." Goku frowned and did as he was told. The wind blew gently, moving his hair from his face. "Concentrate on your surroundings," said Vegeta, watching Goku closely. "Listen to the wind and feel the air around you... let your mind go, and think about nothing..." Goku swayed slightly, his mind going completely blank. He was in a state of meditation, unaware of his surroundings for the time being. For the first time in the last forty-eight hours, he felt at peace. Vegeta gently laced his fingers with Goku's, kissing his neck sensually. Goku moaned slightly, tilting his head absentmindedly. It took him a few seconds to realize what was happening, and when he did, his eyes shot open and he backed away.
"No!" he shouted. "You're not doing this to me again! What, am I only here when it's okay for you? Am I just some toy you play with when Bulma isn't in the mood? What's your problem, Vegeta? Why are you toying with me!?" Vegeta sighed, hanging his head slightly.
"Trunks came to me and said he was questioning his sexuality," he explained.
"So?" said Goku, mildly surprised, but deciding not to show it.
"So," said Vegeta forcefully. "I gave him some advice that I realized I should've taken as well..." Goku blinked.
"What was that?" he asked.
"That the only way to understand your feelings is to fullfill your urges... towards a member of the same sex..." Goku was silent. He approached Vegeta slowly.
"You mean..." he started. Vegeta nodded, not meeting his gaze.
"I... I am confused," he admitted. "You made me confused... I don't know if I like you, Kakarot. But as of right now, the only thing I can think about is kissing you. That's what I want to do."
"It really hurt me, what you said this morning," said Goku, resting his forehead against Vegeta's. Vegeta closed his eyes tightly.
"I know..." he whispered. "I'm.... sorry...." Goku smiled.
"I think that's the first time you've actually apologized to me," he said. Vegeta blushed.
"Shut up..." he muttered, grabbing the back of Goku's neck and pulling him down, kissing him suddenly. Goku smiled, holding Vegeta tight and kissing back deeper than before. He was confident that maybe now Vegeta wouldn't do what he did this morning and completely lead him on. Goku wanted to show him that he could treat him much better than Bulma ever did. Vegeta pulled away suddenly, and Goku furrowed his brow, thinking that he had started rethinking himself again. He was smirking however, which made Goku blink, confused. Vegeta pushed his hands forward, hard against Goku's chest, shoving him to the ground. Goku landed, sending a cloud of fireflies into the air in a panic. Vegeta lay on top of him like he did the night before and stroked Goku's hair from his face slightly.

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