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Scott. POV
His face was stuck in my mind, he looked exactly like-- but he's still in--
My head kept debating.
London, Across the street, London?
Is he Jackson Whittemore?
But his look was softer, it wasn't filled with hate or envy, it was just filled with confusion, trying to find himself.
Still, Jackson was adopted, could he be his twin brother? I said to myself. I turned off my bike as I was thinking. But I read his adoption papers, in my hands, he was an only child birth, no other baby. This is ridiculous, maybe I'm hallucinating. I dropped my helmet without paying attention.
"Scott!" Stiles yelled out behind me. I looked behind me, as Stiles was running to me. "Scott," he said panting. "Wow, I need to go to the gym."
"We need to go inside." I said, I haven't left the parking lot.
"Scott!" another voice said to me. I looked to my side and saw Liam speed walking, "Scott there was murder last night."
"Dude really?" Stiles got up.
"You took Liam to the crime scene?" I was about to yell at Stiles.
"Why Not?" He said "you didn't your texts or your phone."
I kept thinking that Liam was too young, but still he's a werewolf and he's seen scarier things than the dead. "Not every murder involves us Stiles."
"You sound like my dad." Stiles crossed his arms.
I started to walk away,
"Anyways, look at this." Stiles pushed his phone into my face, and I looked, "the chest of each victims was carved in with this strange symbol. I did some digging
"Okay." I said not convinced, walking into the school then to my locker a few feet from me.
"Did I mention, the Kanima poison that the victim was affected with."
I huffed finally convinced. So Maybe It was Jackson back.  "Please Tell me you didn't steal the body."
"Didn't have too there was a huge pool of it." Stiles said awkwardly
Liam smiled, "Stiles got paralyzed."
I opened my locker, and took out my biology textbook.
I looked over and Kira was walking over, smiling. "Hi."
"Hi." I repeated kissing her.
Stiles saw Lydia coming through the door with Malia, and left like a lost puppy. He summarized his story to Malia and Lydia. I stared at Lydia, the guy's face,  Jackson's face flashed in my mind.
"What's Wrong?" Kira shook me into reality.
"Nothing." I lied. My back shivered, I hugged Kira, "Come on, I'll take you to homeroom."
I met Stiles in Algebra 2 class as I sat down the teacher spelled POP QUIZ on the board. I was worried, not about the quiz but about Jackson, the thing is that we all saw him turn into a Werewolf but somewhere inside, is the Kanima. 
Jackson Equals Kanima, Kanima in Crime Scene, Jackson equals Kanima, Kani--
"Scott!" Stiles yelled and pushed me.
"The Quiz. Pass it up."
"Yeah. Yeah, sorry." My heart was beating fast, I couldn't breathe. BREATHE DAMNIT BREATHE!
It was almost the end of the period, I have to tell Lydia, my brain said no,
Ask Stiles my brain told me
Stiles came back to his seat, "Stiles." I whispered, "Stiles," again, "Stiles." He looked up.
The bell rang and I ran out of the class for lunch. Stiles surprisingly caught my arm. "What's up?"
We walked my the the bleachers outside, and I told him.
"He's living across the street from you?" Stiles jaw dropped "in that old house?"
"Yeah. I saw him."
"What about Lydia?" He asked.
"What about her?" I asked, "I'm not going to tell her until I'm actually certain its Jackson."
"What about me?" Lydia only heard her name mentioned.
"The Murders." Stiles thought of fast. "I think they are going after the supernatural. What do you think?" Stiles was nervous, "I mean you two are supernatural, maybe you're next."
"I agree with Stiles." I said, my voice cracked, I felt my inhaler in my pocket feeling heavy. Like I might need it. Soon.

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