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On the way home from the park, Andy Miller told us the same story we'd heard from Ernie. Mark would come over to his house when his parents weren't home and force Andy to go with him. Obviously, that meant Mark was stalking him, watching the house so he'd know when Andy was alone.

Then he took Andy up to Pineview Park, made him hike up the trail with him, and go off into the cover of the bush. There, he'd force himself on the kid.

"But it was usually just hugging and kissing and feeling me up," Andy said as I drove back down the Columbus Road. "The big goon doesn't get it that I don't like him. What a fucktard. Ew, he's so gross. But he never tried to fuck me like he wanted today."

"What would he do if you refused to go with him?" Jason asked.

"He'd slap me, twist my arm, try to hurt me one way or another. Same if I tried to fight him off in the woods."

"You shouldn't have gone with him in the first place," I told him. "You should've called the police when he came over."

The kid was sitting between me and Jason, and I saw he was pouting. "He said he'd tell everybody I was queer if I didn't go with him."

"But he was kidnapping you, Andy. That's a crime. Why didn't you tell your mom and dad?"

"Cuz he threatened to tell everybody I wanted it, that I wanted to make out with him. That I liked him and begged him for it."

He looked pleadingly to me and then to Jason and back again. "Please don't tell anybody. I don't want people thinking I'm queer and that Mark was gonna fuck me."

Jason gently grabbed his arm. "Andy, we have to tell your mom and dad. Mark is dangerous. He already committed a crime by abducting you. If he had raped you, that'd be a worse crime and he could go to jail for it. He'd have to register every year as a sex offender. Your parents need to know about this."

"They should make a police report," I added. "And Mark's just threatening you, Andy. He wouldn't dare tell anyone those things. He's obviously queer himself and sure as hell doesn't want others to know about it. And what other people think doesn't matter anyway. It's none of their business."

He folded his arms and looked stonily ahead. "You guys are making your business everybody's business. And they're sure fucking talking."

I raised my eyebrows at Jason, letting him know he should respond to that remark.

"That's different, dude," he said. "Johnny and I are a little older. We know we're queer and we want to be out. We don't care what people think. What's going on with us has nothing to do with Mark's kidnapping and attempting to rape you."

Andy fidgeted and ran his fingers through his thick blond hair. He growled and his hands balled into fists. "You guys are big and tough, and you're football players. Nobody's gonna make fun of you. Nobody's gonna bully you. But they bully me all the time, call me a homo and a fag and push and shove me around, and all that crap. I'll never hear the end of it if they know Mark tried to fuck me."


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