Chapter 12

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Rico's P.O.V

"I swear Mr Luchessi, that's all I told him"The man sobbed. Luke and Damien on each side of Rico. A dark aura chilled the entire room. I smirked,"Oh Robbie,Robbie" I sighed. "Now where in that stupid thick skull, did you come up with such a bullshit story" I spat.
His red botched eyes looked up at me pleading, "Again" I command and Luke cut off another finger sending a piercing scream into the heavens. Pathetic. "Now are you gonna tell the truth now Mr.Santino or are more piggys gonna be cut off."I warned. "O-Okay!"He yelled. "Ok, Morelli sent word on the street that he's looking for a girl. He's gonna pay over 2 mil to whomever that finds her. Then, then that's when I saw her. But I didn't know she was yours. I DIDN'T!" He cried. "I only did it for my family."
I growled. "Again with the lies."
"Mr. Luches-"
A silence overcame the office. My gun smoking from the explosion.
"Luke" I commanded "Did everyone get the new cellphones"
"Yes, our tech analyst made sure their untraceable "He bowed.
"Good, Dispose the garbage " And I went out the door.
I knocked on the door "come in" an angelic voice came through.
I opened to find her on her bed.
"Hey, did you get anything out of him" She asked calmly.
"Bunch of stories, but one constant, Morelli is looking for you" I looked at the floor.
"Of course" She sighed. "The crazy psycho"
I looked up at her, where does she have the gall to speak freely?
"May I ask something private " I asked.
"Shoot" She sat up and sat crosslegged.
"How in hell does a sweet girl like you gets tangled with Him?" I sat next to her.
She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder, "I was Alicia, and He saved me. He started sweet and considerate. He wanted to be my protector. I didn't see anything wrong with it. After all I've been through I thought he was my prince. He his family and they accepted me as their daughter. I thought I-I finally found my family. I thought i found my happy ending. He wanted me to toughen up so he let tag along when He had businesses meetings. Then he marked me " She got up and showed me scars and burns. A tear fell down from her face. "I joined the Morelli family, I was an assassin. Then,"She trailed off. "Then?"I lifted her chin.
"That bastard took me with him, He told me, Come with me love, we have to go settle something. He made me wear this ridiculous outfit, he had make up on me and perfume. He told me I looked beautiful. I wanted to do anything he wanted me to do. As long I have him. We went to a hotel." She got up and looked at the floor,"And went into a room, a dark room. There was all these men. They looked at me, my skin crawled." She hugged herself.

Lisa's P.O.V

My whole body trembled as I remember that night.
"Christian, what a treat a curvy beauty " An old man smoked his cigar.
She looked at him for protection, instead she found lust, greed and hatred into his eyes.
"C-Christian" She whispered.
He laughed and riped off her coat.
"This one is a virgin, never been touched by a man. As you can clearly see. No man would" He spat. A bullet went through her heart. She lost her breath.
The old man chuckled, "Well.I would"
She looked in disgust. He tricked her.
"D-Don't Come Near me" she tried to come out strong but a weak whisper took its place.
The man came near her lifted her chin and overlooked her as if she was a posession.
"Perfect, spirited. I love the fight. " He growled.
"Christian you did wonderful she will be a beautiful addition."
What? Then it clicked. This was Don Vilcino Tucci, the organizer of a sex trafficking ring.
She looked at Christian, "You're selling me?" She asked between the two men.
He growled in annoyance, "Get it through that fatass head of yours. I never loved you. This was my agenda, You are worth 6 hundred thousand, though to be honest you're worth less. Now if you excuse me I must be going. Have your fun Don Tucci."He walked out the door. Tears welled into her eyes. A dark chuckle rippled through her body. "That bastard "She looked behind her and then her world went black.

*Flashback over*

After a waterfall of emotion and my story was done. He looked at me, differently. He took me into his arms, And held me. I felt warm, protected like in that one moment everything was a serene chaos. A dream and when I wake up I'll be happy.
"Thank you, for entrusting me with your story. Please allow me to protect you and your family no harm whatsoever will come to them as long as I live." He whispered. My heart moved. "Yes" I said

"So this is heartwarming" A deep voice chimed in. Our whole bodys stilled when we both looked up.


HEY how are YOUSE, i really didn't like this chapter, the stuff i used for.the flashback i used law and order svu, i just didn't know how to use it where it comes from both the predator and victims point of view.
Anyways tell me how you like it. Or if you don't thats cool too.

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