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;no, I don't want to turn back, lets follow this path, even if we died;

- jimin

I was awaken by the sound of the nurse coming inside the ward to check on my blood pressure, she then set up the medicine for me to eat and turn on the television for me. For two months here, I am feeling a little better than before, I can eat by my ownself and I can even walk to every place that I want to go. Namjoon said he went to the cafeteria to have his breakfast while Seokjin hyung is still on his way. Both of the hyungs said, today Yoongi hyung will be back from the military. And, I'm fucking happy. But, of course there is something that forbid me to go to the airport.

Today is the day I'll be inside the surgery room for the lung transplant. Even though my body feels a lot better, the doctor said it is just for a while. And yes its true, it will only lasted like 5 hours before I will turn to my old self. Unable to move, like a dead body. I look at the channel and my eyes popped ouy from my socket when the news is telling me about a plane crash.

"AG777 from USA to Seoul,Korea were found crashed, the body of the plane were crashed, indicating that there were no life survivor. Thi-"

I flinched. And quickly snatched the needle of the chemo from skin, taking out my casual attires and wearing it in such effort. Sweats started to appear as my mind is only calling for Yoongi. Only Yoongi.


I put on my beanie and run out of the ward, a few of the nurses try to catch me but I slipped away, I saw a cab and quickly ask him to drove to Incheon. My lungs began to ache and I feel suffocated. Jimin just hold on for a little while, I closed my eyes and ask for the driver to drive faster. My lips turn bluish, as well my face began to turn pale. When we arrived Incheon, I quickly pulled myself out of the cab, throwing money towards the driver before running towads the international gate. My eyes were the sight of blurry, as it is full with tears, I hold onto my chest and keep on running. A lots of families already here in the airport, the surrounding were dark with sorrow and I feel like I will break, immediately. I look around and tears fall down rapidly.

Is Yoongi hyung gone now? Did he leave me?

The police were trying to hold the situation while a lots of them shouting curses and a few plain words that slurring inside my head. I was about to fall when I feel a cold hand turning my shoulder around. And I was faced with a pale guy, tiny nose, two small eyes with a gummy smiled. He is wearing a beanie, and is smiling while wiping away the tears that fall against my cheeks. And I quickly hugged him, and cried on his shoulder. Tears were brimming in my eyes as I punch his back weakly.

"I-I t-hought y-you die-d."

And Yoongi ruffled my beanie slowly as he pecks my cheeks. And he realized something odd happen to my hair when he pull my beanie over my head, and he quickly look at myself, eyes widened as I smiled weakly and fall onto his shoulder. My lips turn bluish as I can't breath anymore. The oxygen had left my lungs, and I can hear Yoongi's voice shaking while calling my name. He carried me behind him as he run towards the nearest cab. Blood flowing from my nose again, staining his shirt and Yoongi had hinself cursing as tears flowing down from his eyes. I can feel my body drifted away. A sudden voice appear but oddly I can barely hear it anymore.

"Yoongi?! What the f- Jimin!!"

I heard Namjoon's voice from afar. But I can't open my eyes anymore. White lights surrounding me as I can feel my body turn light, lighter than the feather. I can feel a pair of cracked lips attached against my cheeks as tears rolling down from my eyes.

Will it end here?


Okay one more chapter and then prologue

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