"Look, I know you're mad at Derek for what he did and he knows you're going to be mad when you find out, but he did that to protect him. He did that so Issac would leave and not get involved and he's trying to find a way to do that to you so you won't get hurt." She said while sitting on my bed.

"I've known you for like less then 3 hours fully, but I need to tell you something. Something weird has been happening since the alphas came to town, I've been feeling people die, but that's not in the pact." I said sitting on the floor shaking my head.

"What do you when not in the pack?" She asked getting up and moving by me.

"This girl that got sacrificed a few days ago. I felt her die when I was taken, I felt this other guy die to. I don't know who he was and also I feel like someone else is going to die to. In the place I was suppose to die in." I said has tears came out of my eyes.

"So you're predicting death?" She asked has she sat by me and moved my hair out of my face.

"I don't know, I just feel everything. I don't know what I'm suppose to do." I said. She helped me up and walked me over to my bed.

"For now this stays between us. I'll try to figure out what's wrong with you." She said moving to the window.

"Tell Derek kicking me out isn't going to stop me at all." I said making her smirk has I closed my eyes falling to sleep quickly.

*their's nothing you can do. I'm going to kill and kill and you can't stop me. I'm going to become strong and powerful and what will you become. You'll become a freak among the freaks. Their's nothing you can do to stop me, not when I have the upper hand in this. You try to stop me I'll hurt him I'll hurt the one not close but close enough to you, and when I do their's nothing you can do.* A cloaked figure said.

*You couldnt stop it, i was just trying to find my dog, my dog wheres my dog. AHHHHH........* A guy said trying to find his dog in the dark.

Then it stopped it just stopped. I heard my breathing and that was it. Then Slience, just silence their is never just silence. I was asleep till I couldn't take it any more. I was asleep till I couldn't stand the pain. I screamed.

"Elana!, Elana! Wake up. It's ok, you can wake up." I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and my mom was holding me has Scott and Issac ran into the room with Derek come in through the window.

"How'd you get here to fast?" I asked a little disoriented.

"What happened?" Scott asked looking at me confused.

"It was silent, but I could here everything." I said crying into mom's chest.

"You're going to be ok." Mom said while holding me and rubbing my back.

"I'll stay here tonight, to make sure she's ok." Derek said walking over to the bed. My mom left the room and so did Scott and Issac has Derek laid down beside me.

"Why did you scream?" He asked has he moved hair from my face and wiped my tears away.

"I felt it, I felt someone die and I didn't know what to do." I said pushing my face into his chest. He moved his hands to my back and pulled me closer to him.

"I'll go talk to Deaton about this later, but right now you need to sleep." He said has he rubbed my back making me go to sleep again.

"I love you." I heard him say before passing out again.

*Next day at School*

"What happened?" I asked has a walked in to school with Allison and Lydia.

"Someone went missing, they found the body last night. He was apperently in the armed forces program at the school." Lydia said walking over to her locker. My face dropped and I looked at the people surrounding the guys locker.

"You ok Em?" Allison asked looking at me confused.

"No, no I'm not." I said walking quickly down the hall way to the bathroom. I ran into a stall once I got in the bathroom and sat down crying. I heard the door to the restroom open and someone walk in.

"Em! I know your in here. Please come out and tell me what's wrong." Allison said

"I keep feeling people die, ever since that night at the station. Anything supernatural that has happen and someone died I have felt that." I said opening the door.

"Have you told Derek?" She asked.

"Yes she has, last night to be exact, even when I told you not to." A voice said behind Allison. She turned around and we saw Cora.

"I didn't have a choice I screamed last night and he came to my house." I said rubbing my temples.

"I know I heard and Derek was asking Peter about it this morning." She said walking over to us.

"I might know what it is, but I'm not sure a werewolf can be both." She said stopping in front of me.

"Then what is it." Allison asked. Cora sighed annoyingly and shook her head.

"A banshee." She said making us look comfused.

"They can predict death. Though I never knew of a werewolf that was both, but I have met someone who was two supernatural things." She said I shook my head and then heard the bell ring.

"We'll talk about this later, after school. When we figure out everything else I'll go the Deaton and see if he knows something." I said. They nodded there heads and before Cora left she turned around.

"We don't let anyone know about this. Not yet." She said then left.

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