Chapter Two

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Harry peeled off his wet jacket, and stepped out of the pond in his tennis shoes. It began to rain even harder on his way home from his appointment, and the walk from the parking garage to his condo left him completely soaked.

Perfect weather to match his mood.

He walked down the hallway to the bathroom, and examined himself in the mirror on the front of the door.

If you took a good look at Harry, you could never tell that he was sick. That’s the thing with cancer. It leaves you looking flawless on the outside, while it eats you alive on the inside. It almost scared him that he knew that he had a serious disease and he could barely tell. When Harry found out, it seemed like something that occurred out of the blue.

He remembered every little detail of that day.

It was their last performance on their tour, a show in Manchester. The crowd was full of screaming, hyperventilating fans. Something One Direction had gotten used to since they had first started touring.

It was close to the last song, and Harry could feel himself getting extremely tired. It was like he had just gotten done running a marathon.  He couldn’t catch his breath, and he was sweating like crazy. Throughout that entire week, he had this horrible cough that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how many different medicines he tried. It was strange. He didn’t have a temperature, and he had no other signs of sickness. Certainly his fatigue couldn’t have come from his coughing fits.

Liam announced the next song they were about to sing, and he heard the intro begin. They Don’t Know About Us. Liam begin to sing his part, and Harry had time to catch his breath, but he still couldn’t gain control.  Louis came over wondering what was wrong, but Harry couldn’t find the strength to say anything to him.

Then when it came to the chorus, he began coughing again. This time it was even worse than before. He felt like he was about to cough up blood or something. Soon enough, he did. He didn’t know what the hell was going on, and it scared the shit out of him.

Louis made everyone stop the music, and everyone dropped their mics and rushed over to him.

Are you okay Harry?

Harry look at me.

Take a deep breath.

Someone call an ambulance!

Get him some water. Maybe that will help.

His throat burned from the blood, and his vision began to get blurry.

“Burning…..” he moaned, grabbing his throat.

Here, drink some of this.

He chugged down some water, but he ended up coughing that up too.

Hello, 911? Yes, our friend Harry has begun coughing up blood. Please send an ambulance.

Oh lord, Harry stay with me.

Harry suddenly began to feel tired.

“Louis…..?” he whispered.

He grabbed his hands and tried to stand up, but then collapsed into his arms, passing out.


He tried to open his eyes, but he felt so much pain so fast, he didn’t even have the strength too.

Before he completely blacked out, his hearing became so sharp, he could tell everything that was going on around him.

He heard the sound of the fans screaming worriedly, Liam talking to 911 on the phone, and Niall and Zayn trying to calm down the crowd.

The YOLO Project: A Harry Styles Fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now