"Is that really how good I look?" he motioned towards the picture of himself in a similar position. Mike tried to find words to describe how attractive the man was. Chester was posing for him. The jeans hugged his legs, crotch, and ass perfectly, leaving the waistband of his boxers clear for the world to see. His tight t-shirt rode up a bit, giving Mike a view of the pale skin underneath. His brown hair was wavy and falling into his eyes in the very center of his face since the sides were shaved off.

"Did anyone ever tell you that haircut makes you look like you have a horse's tail on your head?" Mike finally managed. Chester laughed.

"Can't say I have," he said with a grin, "but there's nothing wrong with it."

Mike wanted to touch it. He'd always imagined Chester's hair to be soft and silky. His fingers would slide through with ease. He needed to stop thinking about this. He noticed Chester was zoning out and he shifted. A flash of red appeared on the older man's face before he excused himself to use the bathroom. Mike headed into the dining room.

"I can't believe you decided to let him stay here," Jason hissed, "After that night."

"I had to help him Jason. He needs help. He's so kind, he really is."

"Whatever. I'll believe it when I see it."

Mike sighed and went back to his cereal. He heard quiet footsteps and then Chester appeared in the hallway. His mom smiled at Chester.

"Hello there Mr. Bennington," she said.

"Chester, please," Chester said with a small smile, "Mr. Bennington sounds like I'm some sort of business man."

"Alright then Chester, anything you'd like for breakfast?"

"I'll just....I mean....whatever they're having," Chester said and he blushed slightly. Mike found it adorable.

"Well Mike's got the box on the table. Bowls and spoons are in that cabinet and that drawer. Help yourself. You're welcome to stay for as long as you need Chester."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me," Chester said as he sat down at the table and poured a small amount of cereal into his bowl. They ate quietly and then Mike smiled at Chester.

"So anything you'd like to do? Or is your headache still kicking in?"

"It's getting better. What do you want to do?"

"We could do plenty," Mike said. Like make out in my bed and make love tonight. "We could watch a movie or play video games. Or we could go down to the pet store and play with all the animals."

"What system do you have?" Chester asked as he took a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"Xbox or PlayStation. Whichever you like."

"No you decide," Chester said with a small smile, "it's your house."

"Fine. Xbox it is. And COD."

"Wrong choice," Chester smirked, "I kick ass in COD."

"Well you've never played me before."

"It's on Shinoda."

They headed into the den where Mike turned the system on and handed Chester a controller. They started playing. Mike was surprised at how good Chester was. When did he have time to practice? He was a vocalist not a gamer.

"I win again!" Chester said as he lounged in the chair. He had taken to playing Mike upside down with only one eye open. "I told you I would."

"I'm just lulling you into a false sense of confidence."

"False sense of confidence my ass," Chester said, "you are not as good as I am."

"Chester," Mike whined but Chester smirked.

"Try and find a game you can beat me in. I dare you."

So Mike did. They played Halo, COD, WWE, NASCAR, and Sniper Elite. Chester won every single time. Mike finally managed to beat him in NASCAR but that was because Chester had been too busy making fun of him that he'd crashed into another car. Mike still counted it as a win. That ate up a lot of their day and Chester went back to Mike's room to take a nap because his headaches were coming back.

"I used to like him Mike, but after that night.....," Jason growled, "He was a jerk to you."

"He's not like that Jay. We talked and everything is good. He's really an amazing guy."

"You're blinded by your love for him," Jason whispered so Chester wouldn't hear even though he was asleep in a different room, "You don't want him here so he can get back on his feet, you want him here so you can stare at him."

"Stop," Mike said quietly, "I wanted to help him. He's my idol Jay, I'd do anything for him."

Jason sighed but headed to his own room. Mike walked slowly over to his room and sat down on the bed. He was sharing a room with Chester Bennington. It was still insane to get over. He smiled as Chester slept. He really was so cute. His mohawk was messed up and splayed all over the pillow. How he wished he could be the one that would lay down next to him and hold him tight while he slept. He'd be the one to fend off the nightmares that plagued his dreams. He wanted to be the one that saves him. He was asleep right? He could go over and.....before he knew it, he was already there. He was sitting on the very edge of Chester's bed, just watching him sleep. He slowly reached out and let his fingers brush against the smooth skin on his arm. He sighed softly and let his hand rest on the older man's arm. It was quiet before Chester muttered something in his sleep and rolled over, trapping Mike's hand between his arm and his chest. Mike gasped softly and jumped back, tripped, and fell onto the floor. Chester woke up.

"Mike? What are you doing down there?"

"Well, I was going to wake you up," Mike managed, "And when I put my hand on you, you rolled over really fast and it scared me."

"Oh sorry," Chester snickered. Mike shook his head.

"It's not your fault."

"Your parents are really nice to let me stay here," he said and Mike smiled.

"It's not a problem."

Chester nodded and sighed, "I feel like such baggage. I don't want to intrude on you guys. You're going out of your way to help me when this is all my fault in the first place."

"It's just what we do," Mike said quietly, sitting next to Chester again. Their shoulders brushed and Mike felt a jump of excitement. "It's honestly the best I've felt in months now that you're here. I told you before, you saved my life."

Chester glanced at him and Mike met his gaze. It was different, being here and talking to Chester like a normal person rather than his idol. It was easier. He could say whatever he wanted and Chester would listen and try to understand him. He stared at the man in front of him and he saw Chester shift slightly. He was nervous. And then Mike couldn't handle it anymore. He leaned forward, closing the gap between them and kissed Chester Bennington.

In Love By SunriseWhere stories live. Discover now