Chapter Eleven

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Y/n pov

My mouth gaped open as I starred at the scene. I covered it, whispering, "Oh my god." Hellos eyes snapped open, his face flared up at the sight of me. He attempted pushing WildFire off, yelling muffled words. I blushed darkly as well, frozen in place. Finally, Hello glaring at WildFire, he bit down roughly on the males tongue. "Ow!" He yelped, pulling back, "What was that for? Not like you need air or an-" Hello grabbed his chin, forcing his head to turn in my direction. He blushed slightly, "Uhhhh..." "I-It's not what it looks like!" Hello said quickly. "I-I uh..didn't know you two were a thing." I said quietly. WildFire laughed, "Wanna join?" I almost choked on air, "U-um...n-no..I'm good." Hello looked to be in shock. He crawled off the males lap, picking him up afterwards, "Your lose. We'll try not to be to loud." The red eyes boy's face turned a dark shade of red, and with that,WildFire walked to his room. I turned around, quickly running back to Sukis room. I slipped threw the door, shuddering at the thought of what was happening. Suki was laying on the bed, propped up on the pillows. He smiled slightly, looking at me, "Bet you never expected to see that." "N-not at all." I mumbled, sitting beside him. He closed his eyes, sighing slightly. "U-um..Suki?" He hummed slightly. " know why I'm here? I-I mean...I expected something...worse then this. Wh-when I was first brought here." He smiled a little more, keeping his eyes closed, "Demons aren't completely heartless. They may be cruel, but still feel emotions. As for them, they just wanted someone to love." "L-love?" I couldn't believe what he was saying, "W-what do you mean?" He looked up at me, "That's for you to find out." Before I could ask anything else, there was a knock at the door. It opened slightly, and WildFire poked his head in. His face was bright re,d he coughed slightly, "We uh...may have..broke the bed." Suki starred at him, "Again?" "Again?" I echoed, surprised. "Yeeeaaaah....again." Suki rolled his eyes, "Just use Hellos bed. And don't break it." WildFire slowly shut the door, not without a 'No promises' first. The room was filled with a silence after that. "Do I get a certain place to sleep?" I asked. He shrugged, "Here?" "Do I have a choice?" "No." "It's fine here anyways." He smiled again, "Don't worry, I don't bite." I smiled back, "Thanks?" Suki smiled sweetly, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. "It feels good to feel emotions." He whispered. I smiled slightly, putting a hand on his shoulder, "What emotion would that be?" He hugged me tightly, "Love." The whole thing would have been touching, if not for the screaming in the back ground. "YOU BROKE MY BED!?" "OH GOD THE BEDS BROKEN!"

Hello x reader x WildFire x Suki (Ocs x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now