"Mike what are you doing?"

"Just.....sssshh," Mike said as he crossed the street and ran quietly into the parking lot. The car was old and rusted and definitely not something that he imagined Chester Bennington to ride in. Apart from the fact that he was. Mike wiped the fog from the window to see the singer curled up in the backseat, shivering under a blanket. He was immediately knocking on the door. The door opened slowly and Chester got up.

"What do you w-want?" Chester snapped between his chattering teeth.

"Are you alright?" Mike asked softly.

"Fucking fine. Now what do you want.
I'm not signing shit now."

"I don't want you to," Mike said quietly, "I.....are you sure you're okay? It's really cold out."

"I said I'm fine!" Chester growled, "Now leave me be!"

"You're a jerk!" Jason finally spoke up, "You're a huge dick. My brother just wants to help you."

"Yea well I didn't need help," Chester snapped, "Now I'd appreciate it if you'd l-leave."

Mike looked at his idol in shock. Chester Bennington was standing in front of him, freezing his ass off, with nowhere to go and he wouldn't even accept help. And all of a sudden, Mike realized all his assumptions about Chester had been wrong. Chester was a pissed off, drug addict, who didn't care who he hurt. Jason grabbed Chester's arm and hauled him out of the car.

"Get the fuck off me!" Chester tried to pull out of his grip but Jason held strong.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked.

"He's coming with us because he'll freeze out here if he doesn't," Jason sighed, "Of course, I wouldn't mind it."

Mike nodded slightly and turned to lead the way. He should be happy. He should be excited that Chester Bennington was going to be in his house but he wasn't. Jason was right. The guy was a jerk. When they got to their house, Mike turned to see Chester staggering along next to Jason.

"What do we tell our parents?"

"You tell them that you're having a friend sleep over since he looks ten anyway...."

"Fuck you," Chester hissed through his chattering teeth.

"That won't work and there's no way he's sleeping in my room!" Mike managed. God that would be embarrassing. Jason sighed and then opened the door.

"Mom! We're back. We have a guest," Jason said. Mike took Jason's spot on Chester's arm. He was actually doing this. He was actually touching this man.

"And who is this?" his mom asked.

"Mom can we talk in a minute? We just need some blankets and stuff. He's freezing," Mike said feeling his protective side come out a little.

"Oh of course," she smiled at Chester, "Don't worry, you'll be warm soon enough."

Chester shuddered next to him but didn't say anything. Mike led him to the living room and sat down on the couch, making the singer sit next to him. His mom returned with some blankets and handed them to Chester who wrapped one around his body, muttering his thanks. Mike felt his shivering start to lessen and in almost a minute, he was out cold.

"Mike, I hope you have an explanation for why Chester Bennington is in here right now."

"He was in his car," Mike said quietly, "I think he's living out of his car right now. We saw him trying to sleep and I... Mom I couldn't leave him."

"Isn't he famous? Why would he be living out of his car?"

"I don't know," Mike admitted even though he knew exactly why. Chester used all his money to pay for drugs. That's why he had no money and that's why the other guys from DBS weren't supporting him. His mom gave him a look.

"We'll discuss this more when your father gets home from work," she said, "He'll be here soon."

Mike nodded and sighed as she left the room. He looked back at Chester who was sleeping soundly, wrapped up in blankets. His chest rose and fell evenly and his eye would twitch every so often. Mike swallowed. Even with the whole incident today, Mike couldn't help but love him. He was just such a perfect angel. He spent the time he had watching Chester sleep.

"Mike! In the kitchen please," his mom called. Mike slowly walked in and he saw his dad looking at him in surprise.

"You brought the singer home with you?" his dad asked him. Mike nodded.

"I know it's weird but he needed help and I didn't want to let him freeze out there."

"No, this is exactly the kind of son I want. Mike you are incredibly generous. We will allow him to stay the night here."

Mike smiled slightly, "Thank you."

"Do you trust him Mike?"

"Yes," Mike said without a second thought. He did trust Chester. He knew that underneath all the fake drugs he was a wonderful man whose smile lit up the world.

"Then, since your room is the only room with two beds, he can sleep there. He is your responsibility."

"No....mom not there," Mike said quietly, "Mom come on.....my walls..."

"Then maybe you shouldn't wake him," she smiled. Mike saw he was going to get no help so he headed back to the living room where Chester was sleeping. He wrapped the blanket tightly around the sleeping man before attempting to lift him up. The key word was attempting since he couldn't lift the singer at all. He gently shook his shoulder.

"Hey, you're staying the night here and the only other empty bed is in my room," Mike said quietly, "So we have to go there. It's just right around the corner."

Chester slowly stood up. He was trance-like. Slowly Mike guided the man over to his room and sat him down on the extra bed. He watched as Chester muttered his thanks again and then curled up in his blanket. Mike knew that once Chester left, he'd be sleeping in that bed for a long time. He wouldn't let his parents wash the sheets or anything until the musky scent of Chester was completely gone. He sighed and laid on his own bed. He was sleeping in the same room as Chester Bennington but he couldn't be happy. Soon, Chester would have to go and he'd be left alone again.

In Love By SunriseWhere stories live. Discover now