Chapter 13

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I have a boyfriend. There is a boy that likes me enough to want me as a girlfriend. Why though? I'm not a very appealing person. The only physical appealing thing about me is that I sometimes brush my hair. Personality wise, I'm not always a menstruating cow?

The funny thing about this whole thing is, is that we are all being hunted down to be killed for money, yet we can still find happiness. 

I'm not ready to say the three words yet for obvious reasons but I really do like him. Before I could let my mind wander off more, my phone rings.


"Arabelle, please come home." It was Stiles.

"Stiles, I don't have a home."

"Yes you do, my house is your home. Even Dad is wandering where you are, we both miss you and I don't want some chick to get between us, okay?"

"Fine, I'll be there soon." With that, I hang up. At least I'm not going to be sleeping under the bleachers tonight.


"Belle is that you?" Stiles voice calls out from his room.

"Yes," I state, confused as to what I am suppose to say after this whole argument. He walks into the living room where I am standing.

"I don't want to talk about this, mainly because I know how stubborn you are," he grins making me laugh. "But also because we aren't going to argue over this anymore, you have trust issues and I over think everything so lets leave it at that."


"Good, so come over here and give me some sugar!" I laugh as he opens his arms and shimmy's. I run over to him and wrap my arms around him and he copies my actions. We stay like that for a few seconds.

"Thank you for never leaving me, even after everything that has happened."

"It's been my pleasure."


Yesterday had a great ending. Brett and I made up, Brett asked me to be his girlfriend and Stiles, who is one of the most important people in my life, and I made up. I am so happy right now that not even the assassins could bring me down. Well they could shoot me which probably could bring me down but emotionally they can't. 

"Morning!" Stiles shouts as he walks past my room. "I'm leaving in five minutes!" My lips turn up into a Cheshire cat smile. Just like how it use to be. I get up and run around my room getting clothes out. I am now wearing a red skater skirt, loose white tank top, denim jacket, white scarf, black thigh length socks and high heeled black ankle boots. I brush through my hair and leave out wavy. My hands grip onto my brown bag and I run out to the garage and hop into Stiles blue jeep.


"So you and Brett are like a thing now?" My best friend Sally asks me. I just told her the story about Brett and I. Obviously cutting out the supernatural parts of it.

"I think so," a grin forms on my lips thinking about him.

"Do you love him?"

"I don't think I love him yet," I explain. "But I know I definitely have feelings for him." It's true. It would be a lie to say that I am in love with Brett but I have very strong feelings for him that I can't hide. "What about you and Sean?" I ask her curiously. Sean O'Donell is Sally's boyfriend of seven months. They are quite possibly the cutest couple you'll ever lay eyes on.

"Amazing!" Sally gushes. "He is taking me out for dinner on Saturday since he had a family thing on during our anniversary! I think it is that really nice and fancy restaurant downtown." 

"What are you going to wear?"

"I was thinking of my floral dress and black heels?"

"Yes! I love both of those so much!" We both laugh. 

"Belle!" Liam shouts. We look out from the bleachers and see Liam storming over to us with Mason running to catch up behind him. What's up his ass? Liam climbs the bleachers up to us. "Are you Brett's girlfriend?" Oh no.

"Yes," I say blankly trying not to show any emotion that could make him turn on me.

"Why! He's horrible!"

"He really isn't that bad once you get to know him!" I defend Brett. "You two are both to pig headed to talk to each other! You'd probably notice that you both have a lot in common!" Liam shakes his head glaring at me before storming away again just as Mason began to climb the bleachers. Mason let out a loud groan as Liam walked past him, obviously lacking oxygen in his lungs.

"What's his problem?" Sally asks me with a amused face.

"Brett and Liam don't really like each other," I let out a awkward laugh.


I'm currently sitting in Maths class right now. My mind has wondered to things other then shapes and numbers. To be specific, is there really a God? If so, why is God letting this happen to people? It's not fair that people are being killed for money. No one has the right to take someone else's life.

"Belle!" I get cut short from my thoughts by Mr. Sherbey. "What did I just say?"

"I didn't hear sorry," I ramble out. He shakes his head. Why is he always so unhappy? Does he live alone? Is he lonely?

"Well because you have been ignoring me for the whole lesson you will be getting double homework." I nod my head, not having enough energy to argue with him. Everyone is looking at me waiting to have a snappy come back.

"Yeah that won't be able to happy since I have a life and things to do after school today." I try my best to put energy into it.

"Don't make me give you a detention to Belle," Mr. Sherbey warns me before going back to ramble on about fractions. I'm sick of not being able to sleep at night because I'm scared for my life. The worst thing about this is that it's Michelle. Michelle is my murderous sister who almost killed my friends. It isn't fair. Why does it always have to be my family?


From: Derek H

Come by my house now.

What's his problem now?



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