Chapter 9

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My birthday officially sucks. I have been locked up all day and it is killing me. No food, no water, no toilet! I'm pretty sure this is illegal in some states.

"I'm just going to run down to the supermarket," Deaton knocks me out of my trance. I look up at him, "You'll  be alright?"

"Yeah yeah" I sigh, he shoots me a smile and walks out of the room. My eyes wander across the room to find something that will help me get out of these handcuffs Scott stole from his Dad. Scissors? No. Pencil? No. Magnify glass? Not unless I want to melt myself out of the hand cuffs.

"Seriously Deaton!" I shout out in annoyance. My eyes then move over to the clock on the wall. 6.30 PM. A sudden urge of needing to wee comes over me. In complete desperation I look around the room again. A hammer comes in sight. I reach out to the desk next to me that it is sitting on but fail to reach it. 

"Fuck!" Suddenly a thought pops up in my head. I grin. Quickly I lay myself down and shuffle my legs to the direction where the hammer is. One legs lifts up onto the desk pulling myself up. Then the other leg comes up as well feeling for the hammer. When I recognize the shape of the hammer I kick it off the table in my way.

"Yes" I mumble proudly at myself. I sit up and reach out with my unchained hand and grab hold of it. 

It takes my five minutes to successfully break the chain. Another grin crawls up onto my face. I stand up and walk out of the clinic. The moonlight hits my face the second I walk out of the small clinic, along with the rain that is pelting hard onto the ground. I take in a deep breath letting the fresh hair go through me. I better leave before Deaton comes back.

"Brett!" A young girls voice shouts. It is coming from the direction from school. Just like that, I began to run. My feet were hitting the pavement and my hair was whipping my face. Houses were becoming a blur because of the speed I was going at. The shouts were getting louder as I neared the school. 

Was she shouting about the Brett I am thinking about? Is she in trouble? Why is she shouting? All these questions were rushing through my head as I got closer to the school. I could hear sobs. Sobs of lost hope and despair. Something that I do often.

I turned the corner to the school and can see the outline of a girl running between buses through the hard rain.

"Lori!" I recognize the shout as Brett's voice, that's his sister that was crying!

"Brett!" She cries out sounding lost. I sprint towards her. A figure over the top of the bus catches my eye. I jump on every second step of the ladder onto the top of the bus and creep u behind that assassin. 

"Boom boom bitch" I mumble and flip the figure over then straddle the person. The assassin has the bow and arrow in hand pointing at me. Before I knew it I flung my hand towards the bow and arrow and hit so it went flying off the top of the bus. "If you know what's good for you, you'll run" I warn the person before pushing them off the side of the bus. I see them get up and sprint off.

I jump off the side of the bus and see Lori standing there breathing hard leaning up against the yellow school bus. Her cheeks were tear stained and eyes were puffy and red. It was a sight that breaks heart.

"Are you Lori?" I ask her as sweetly as I can. She nods her head without letting a word escape her trembling lips. "I'm Belle, I'm going to help you and your brother." Her eyes lighten up. I grab onto her hand and run in between the buses dodging bows and arrows and other weapons that were flying our way. 

"Belle!" Kira's voice sounds, I turn my head and see her racing towards us. "Take Lori to the clinic now! I've got Brett!" I shake my head.

"I want to get him!"

"Belle this is your first day, something could go wrong!" Kira warns me.

"So you are trusting me with a twelve year old girl?" I shout back she stands in front of me for a few seconds before sighing.

"Fine, but come back to the clinic as soon as you get him!" Kira shouts before grabbing onto Lori's arm and pulling her off. Game plan. I'll run in, grab Brett, run back to the clinic. All while I dodge bullets and arrows being shot at me. I shake my head and run between the buses. Brett is standing in the middle of the field with arrows and bullets being directed at him. 

"Idiot!" I exclaim loudly. My eyes wander between the buses looking for anything that could help me. The rim of a tire! With all the strength I could gather I pull it off of the tire. Within seconds I'm running towards Brett screaming his name but he's in so much shock he doesn't hear.

A arrow flying straight to Brett comes into sight. It is almost as if everything is in slow motion. I run faster screaming Brett's name louder, he still doesn't hear me. Adrenalin rushes through me, my feet hit the ground harder, and I speed up just in time to snap Brett out of his trance and push the rim in front of us so he doesn't get hit. "Brett!"

"Belle? What are you doing h-" I cut Brett off by grabbing onto his arm and pulling him away. Everything that has happened in the past day or so vanishes from my mind as we dodge things being pelted at us. The reason why? For money.  Thousands and thousands of dollars. That's the thing that makes me angry about this. Most of us haven't killed someone on purpose. But it doesn't to these people because they see us as monsters. "Belle!"

"What?" I shout back very annoyed at him, as we run in between the buses.

"Happy Birthday" Brett grins, proud of himself. I roll my eyes. Could he pick a worse time to do this? There are litterely people with guns and bows and arrows chasing after us to kill us and he decides now is a great time to stop and say happy birthday to me? Idiot.

On the other hand, he does look super cute right now. His damp golden brown hair was handing around on his face and his familiar smirk was stuck on his lips as he stared at me.

"Go screw yourself," a small smile creeps up onto my lips and I turn around and begin to run. I hear Brett mumble something under his breath before following me. Do I like like Brett? Butterflies and fireworks don't mean anything unless you feel something for someone from the heart. Do I feel something from the heart for Brett? Would I die for this boy? Does this boy's smile warm my heart? Does his face creep into my mind whilst I lay in bed late at night? Do I constantly think about him? 

Clearly I would die for this boy considering I just ran out, under fire may I add, to tell the idiot to get the hell out of here. His smile is the only warmth I've got right now as we run around in the rain, trying not to get killed when it is quite possibly under 10 degrees. Well I've been laying around all day and I'm not going to lie his stupid face has creeped into my mind more than forty times today.

That's it.

I like like Brett Talbot

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