Chapter 5

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"Stay away from her" I hear Stiles threaten Brett as I go to get him a apple since he is 'so hungry'. I roll my eyes.

"From who?"

"From Belle!" Stiles shouts in a hushed tone. What on earth is he thinking. Brett doesn't like me. He doesn't want to be near me. He is here because he is basically dying! Quickly I grab a red apple and storm into the lounge room and throw it at him.

"Here's your apple" I say blankly with no emotion, Stiles stares at me for a few seconds before turning his attention back to Brett.

"Deaton says he is on his way but he will be about forty minutes," Stiles looks at me ", I'm going to go pick up Scott." He pulls out his keys from his pocket and walks towards the door swinging the ring around his finger before walking out leaving Brett and I alone in the house.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Brett glancing down at him. His eyes were filled with pain and his back was slightly arched.

"Like I'm going to die."

"I'm not going to let you die" The words come out of my mouth before I could think about what I was going to say. "I'm going to get the first aid kit, it might slow down the bleeding" I exit the room as fast as possible after I said that and walk into the bathroom. He must think I'm a massive creep after that. The small green bag comes into view, my hands reach out to take hold of it and walk back into the room.

I sit myself down on the coffee table across from the couch he was lying on. As I looked through thee bag I could feel Brett's stare on me.

"Why are you helping me?" He asks quietly. I look up to him.

"Because you are hurt and bleeding, and I'd hope you'd do the same for me." I take out a medical cloth and tip some of the special alcohol onto it and kneel down in front of Brett. "This might hurt," I warn him before placing the cloth onto his wound full of wolfsbane. Groans of obvious pain leaves Brett's lips, his eyes squinted tight as if it would make it stop hurting. "Sorry." I move it around the wound before taking the large bandaid and peeling off the wrappers and sticking it over the cut.

"How did you get away from the assassins?" I ask.

"It jumped out at me and I started to fight it off and I think I hurt it but as he turned to run he got me" Brett's eyes were now open watching me again as I threw out the wrappers into the bin and packing the first aid kit together.


"It was weird..." Brett mumbles. "It had no mouth or nose." I turn back to look at him in surprise. That's the guy the Liam told me about.

"Liam told me about him, he was there when Liam got the bite." Brett nods his head.

"Why do you live with Stiles?" He asks me. Suddenly I become very awkward. What do I tell him? That my parents are complete psychotics that killed and buried my little brother in the backyard?

"My parents just didn't really like me" I admit, which isn't a lie. Just not the full truth. He nods his head again. This would be a great time for Deaton to walk in. All of a sudden the door bursts open, instead of Deaton it was Lydia, Malia, Stiles and Scott with panicked looks on their face while looking at me.

"What are you!" Scott shouts at me while walking over to me with a piece of paper in his hand.

"You are higher than Scott!" Lydia shouts in frustration while rubbing her temples. On the sheet of paper was the first dead pool that Stiles explained to me. It was true, my name was on the dead pool. I am worth 37 Million. I am worth 37 million. I am wor- What

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