Chapter 11

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Once again I am all alone, in the middle of world war 3 and angry. Angry was a slight understatement but let's just keep it at that. We seriously don't know anything about Michelle besides that she is a quitter, my sister and a possible serial killer.

From the corner of my eyes I see a familiar figure standing in a telephone booth. I turn my full body around to the person and instantly recognize it. Michelle. Is she stalking me? I pull the hood from my jumper over the top of my head and look down. Cautiously I walk towards the telephone booth.

"Yes, she doesn't suspect a thing... No she hasn't forgiven me but that stupid Stiles boy is working on that... I can assure you that she won't be leaving Beacon Hills alive... Her friends? Even more clueless than her. They are all trying to convince Arabelle that I am a good person..." That bitch! I told Stiles that we can't trust her! Did she just call Stiles stupid? Only Scott and I can do that! I lean up against the wall next to the booth, acting as if I need to use the phone.

"Yes that will work fine, I'll bring them there... Don't worry about Arabelle I'll kidnap her if I have to!" Michelle lets out a snotty laugh but stops when she sees me standing outside. Please don't know it's me, please don't know it's me. "I'm going have to go... Yes, okay bye." She hangs the phone up and steps out from the booth. "Sorry, distant relative that isn't doing to well." I nod slightly and step into the booth and shove my hands into my pocket pretending to look for money.

Michelle walks away. I need to tell Brett.


"What's so important that you couldn't tell me over text?" Brett's voice comes from behind me. I stand up from the bench and gesture for him to sit down which he follows.

"It's Michelle."


"Michelle is the one killing everyone!" I say louder. Brett hushes me and pulls me to sit down next to him.

"Don't go accusing people for something like that." He thinks I'm lying?

"Brett I heard her, she was on the phone and told whoever was talking on the other side that she isn't letting me leave Beacon Hills alive!" Brett drops his head into his hands and rubs his face. We both stay silent for a few minutes. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"I think that maybe you heard her say something wrong because you don't like her." He stares at me. "We aren't asking for you to love her, we are asking you to tolerate her so that you don't get yourself killed."


"Belle, you know how much I like you okay but you are going to have to stop holding this grudge on your sister" He places his hands on my shoulder to comfort me but I shake them off and back away from him.

"You don't believe me," to be honest I don't know how I feel. Do I feel anger because no one believes me? Do I feel sadness that people think I'm overreacting? Do I feel happiness that there may be hope?

"Belle, she's your sister."

"It's fine Brett, don't believe me. But I have one last question for you." Brett has a scarce face on. I don't blame him, if I was him I'd have the same. "What church would you like your funeral held at when Michelle kills you?" His mouth falls open.

"Belle don't be like that!" I begin to walk away from Brett. "You have to understand how ridiculous this all sounds!"

"But werewolves and banshees doesn't sound ridiculous?" I fire back at him.

"Belle! Stop!" Brett calls out. My legs stop moving and my feet swivel me around to face Brett. He walks closer to me and places his hands on my cheeks. "I really like you and I know everything around us is crazy with assassins and you finding out you're a supernatural and stuff. But I really don't want your sister to come between us." My head shakes a no.

"I can't Brett," I push his hands away from my face. "If you won't even consider Michelle being a assassin than I don't have time for this. I'm sorry." Tears were forming in both of our eyes. I mean it's hard telling someone that you can't be together because of your very own sister. I walk away leaving Brett standing alone in the park. The same park yesterday that we shared our first kiss.

It's funny how one person can screw up your life. One person that is suppose to love you and be there for you can screw everything you ever wished for. Now because of Michelle I have nowhere to go. I can't go back to Stiles place, obviously can't go to my own home and there is no chance I am staying with Brett now that I have broken both of our hearts.

Michelle. I despise her. She's got everyone fooled and is turning everyone against me. What I don't understand is why. What did I do to make her hate me so much? There is so many emotions running through me right now and I don't know how to act or what to do. What do I do with this information? 

Do I tell the police? Of course now.

Do I say something to the pack? No because they won't believe me.

Do I approach Michelle? Only if I want to live.

My phone begins to buzz knocking me out of my thoughts.


"Is this Arabelle?" A feminine voice asks me.

"Yes, who is this?" I ask curious to know.

"I believe you." The woman ignores my question. I stay silent with confusion. "Michelle is a assassin."

"Who are you?" I repeat.

"My name is Lillian Blackburn, I am going to help you stay alive and control you supernatural abilities."

"How? I don't even know where you are." 

"I'm in Beacon Hills in a old warehouse, I'll text you the address because it is to dangerous to say it over the phone."

"Wait, how do I know you aren't a assassin?"

"You are just going to trust me on this, okay?"

"Okay." Lillian hangs up. Far out, just when you thought nothing would surprise you.

Bad Habit - Brett TalbotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz