Chapter 12

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From: Unknown

46 Chapplstone St.

There is one thing that Mum and Dad actually taught me. Never talk to strangers. Which is the one important thing that Mum and Dad taught me that I'm disobeying. I'm basically digging myself in a hole. Once I get to the address I take a deep breath. It's too late to turn back now. I make my way to the heavy looking door and push it open to be greeted by a big empty room with dim lights glowing.

"Arabelle?" The familiar voice calls out.

"That's me." A woman comes out from the shadow. She was an average height and very pretty. Her green eyes wandered up and down my body looking for a sign of danger.

"We don't have much time but there's one thing you need to know, the more time you spend hating on your sister takes away time that you have to live. The ring leader of this project has a close relationship to your sister, let me rephrase that. An intimate relationship with your sister. Whenever you say something it pushes the ring leader further to ordering your sister to take your life. Although you have to take a step back on saying things about your sister, if you completely cut it off they will suspect something and kidnap you" Lillian rambles.

"Do you know who the ring leader is?"

"No but I am working on it," a loud bang of a door slam echoes throughout the warehouse cutting Lillian off. "You need to go, I will ring you if I get anymore information about this situation. Now go!" She shouts.

"Lillian!" Before the unknown person comes into view I've already sprinted out of the warehouse and down the road. Where am I going to go? Far out. I shouldn't even be out on the streets with these assassins. Wait, the school. The assassins wouldn't suspect that because that's where they attacked yesterday. 


Loud noises from birds wake me up. I turn onto my side and come face to face with a crow. It's beady eyes were staring into mine. I sit up and shoo it away. Currently I am staying underneath the bleachers at the Lacrosse field which isn't exactly safe but it works for me. I could see a few students entering the building. Dammit I'm not ready to go to school. I haven't even showered and I probably smell.

"Belle!" Stiles voice shouts at. I turn my head and see him running to me. That's a sight I'm not use to. Stiles running. I get up to leave but he catches up to me. "Why didn't you come home?"

"I didn't feel like getting into a argument about my sister," I say blankly and walk away. Stiles catches up to me again.

"You can ignore me if you'd like but don't do that to Brett." My heart stops at his name. Memories from last night come flooding back in and I have to shake my head to come back to reality.


"Brett, he stopped by last night to apologize or something, he said he called you but you didn't answer," I quickly pull out my phone and Stiles is right. Thirty-eight missed calls from Brett Talbot. "He really likes you, don't push him away to." Push him away to? Does Stiles seriously think I'm pushing him away.

"Do you seriously think that I'm pushing you away?" I shout angrily at Stiles, he cowers down and nods his head slightly. "I'm not pushing you away Stiles, I want to keep my distance away from people who choose my sister who they hardly know and possible serial killer over me the girl who never left!"

"We aren't choosing her over you, it's just insane to think that your sister who loves you could possibly be the person who is killing everyone!" 

"You didn't see her behind closed doors, you didn't see the way she treated others," I begin to get quiet. "You didn't see the kick she'd get out of hurting other people." Satisfied with what I say I walk away from him probably leaving him confused. I press Brett's number to call him.


"Brett, it's Belle." What am I suppose to say?

"Belle, I'm sorry, I came of to harsh last night." 

"I should be the one apologizing. I can't force my opinion onto others," this boy has me apologizing for stupid things.

"Can we meet up, after school?" Brett stutters along.

"Yeah, at the park?"

"Sounds good," a sound of a bell cuts him off. "Sorry I have to go, see you this afternoon Belle."

"Bye Brett."

I think I should shower before I go see him.


School ended and it's safe to say it was the most awkward thing in the world. Liam is like a little cinnamon bun who has no idea what's going on, Stiles hasn't talked to me, Malia is ignoring me because Stiles is, Lydia couldn't give a damn about what's happening, Scott is trying to work out what he's going to do as pack leader and Kira is also a cinnamon bun. However right now I'm putting all that aside to focus on what I'm going to say to Brett. 

Do I just come out and say 'hey sorry for being a complete and total asshole but I'm right you're wrong' or 'hi Brett you're super cute so I can't stay angry at you so kiss me again'. To be honest I'm feeling the second one at the moment. I know I was probably to forceful on him but I'm just so frustrated because I really like him and he won't consider it. I need to stop thinking about this otherwise I'm going to punch someone. I don't know if that's the hormones or the supernatural abilities. 

"Hey," Brett's soft voice greets me. I look up and see Brett standing in front of me.

"Hi" I reply shyly. We stay silent for a few moments.

"I'm sorry" we both blurt out at the same time making us laugh. Once again we stay quiet and I drop my head onto his shoulder when he moved next to me.

"This is all messed up," Brett mumbles. I hum in response. "We're just a bunch of teenagers and someones trying to kill us all off." He's obviously been thinking about this a lot. So I do the only thing that feels right. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close and he immediately breaks down. "I don't know how I'm going to keep Lori safe, she's still young, she doesn't deserve to die."

"Brett you aren't alone, we are all helping each other even if there is conflict among us," I play with the back of his hair trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry I didn't consider Michelle being one of them, I'm just use to the idea of siblings love each other."

"I'm sorry for trying to force my opinion and ideas onto you." I let out a laugh making Brett pull out of the hug.

"What?" He asks with a amused face.

"This is how it always ends up," Brett scrunches his face up in confusion "we are always apologizing to each other." His lips turn up into a smile. He sits on the ledge of the playground that I was sitting on and I leave my head onto his shoulder again. Brett's head leans down not quite laying on mine.

We sat like that in silent for thirty minutes. Neither of us needed to say anything to know how we were feeling. Lost, angry and confused are a few that come to mind.

"I better get going, Lori will be worrying about me," Brett says quietly. I lift my head off his shoulder and nod my head. "Can I ask you something?"

"It better not be why was a such a cow," I warned him jokingly. Brett laughs.

"No, no" he looks down to the ground. "I really really really like you Belle, um so will you be my girlfriend?" My heart stops beating. This time it isn't just butterflies flying around in me, there's a war going on in me.


Bad Habit - Brett TalbotWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt