Chapter 8

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Luke smiled and turned to me. "You really saved me back there. I thought those girls were going to attack me." He said, making me laugh. We walked along the beach just keeping casual conversation and laughing. At some point he laced his fingers through mine and I left it and smiled. "You know, you're probably one of my favorite people here." Like said and I felt my face heat up. "I thought you guys were keeping me around for torture." I joked and he laughed, making me laugh. "I really wish I could kiss you. I understand why I can't, but I just really wish these were normal circumstances and I could." He said, completely changing the topic of our conversation. I wasn't really sure how to respond so I just looked down at my feet. "You don't have to say anything. I understand if you don't want to kiss me, but I just wanted to let you know that I want to kiss you and be with you, but I know that we can't." He said and I looked up at him. How could he think I don't want to kiss him. "What made you think I don't want to kiss you?" "You told me no earlier..." He trailed off and I rolled my eyes. "Luke, it's not even slightly that I don't want to kiss you. It's that I'm not sure how I feel about any of you to even know how to sort this out." "Any of who?" "What do you mean?" "Who are you stuck between?" He asked and I thought for a minute. Should I really tell him who of his friends I'm torn between along with him? I feel like he deserves to know. "Honestly, it's between you, Ashton and Harry." "Ashton?! You've got to be kidding." Luke said, raising his voice. "What?" "Ashton's been nothing but a dick to you this entire time." He said, his voice still sounding angry and irritated. "He hasn't been a dick the whole time. He just isn't as obvious as you are." "How do you know he even wants you here?" He asked, obviously grumpy. "He tried to kiss me." "When?" "It doesn't-" "When did he try to kiss you?" He asked, raising his voice again." "While we were playing laser tag." I said, quietly and looking down. "He tried to kiss you while you were on a date with me?" He yelled. I flinched away from him and stepped back. "Luke, it's not that big of a deal. He didn't actually kiss me." I said quietly, still not looking at him. "He tried to and that's not okay! Did Harry try to kiss you too?!" "Luke, I'm not your property. You're acting like this isn't a dating show." I snapped, really tired of him yelling at me. He didn't respond. He just stormed off, leaving me alone on the beach and I didn't try to go after him. I didn't call his name or anything. I just let him walk away. I sat towards the edge of the water and just stayed there. I zoned out at some point and didn't snap out of it until someone sat next to me. I looked over to see Ashton sitting there. "Hey." "How did you know I was out here?" "Luke stormed in the house yelling at me about trying to kiss you and about you being on the beach to tell him and he was going to ask you out and blah blah blah." "He was going to what?" I asked, suddenly confused. "When we're down to the last 8 they'll be here for two weeks and we get to ask one of the 8 out on a date. If someone else already has and they said yes then we have to move on to the next girl on our list." He explained and I nodded. "But what if you only like one of the girls?" "That's where my problem is. There's only one girl I like but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me at all." He said and I was a little confused. "What makes you think that?" I asked. I actually really want to know what girl he's talking about. "Well, she just doesn't seem very into me." He said and was looking all over my face. "Well, who is it?" I asked, really curious because if it's just one girl then it's not going to be me. "Well, I don't want to tell. Word would go around and it just wouldn't be good." "Who am I going to talk to here other than you guys?" "I guess you have a point." "I know I do." I said and he smiled at me. "Well.... You're the only girl I like. Here or anywhere else." He said and I felt my face heat up, suddenly being very thankful that it's dark so he can't see it. "Ashton, I don't know what to-" "Its okay. I know you don't feel the same." He said and I shook my head. "I just don't really know what I'm feeling. I'm torn which is why Luke was so mad. Because I'm torn between you, Luke and Harry." I said and he nodded. "Well, it's all up to you. It's your decision, but I also want you to pick who is going to make you the happiest." He said and I hugged him. "Thank you for understanding." I said and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I pulled away slightly, but staying close enough so he could keep an arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder and we just sat there in silence. He started humming and I felt myself falling asleep because of how soft and sweet his voice was. I felt arms go behind me back and under my knees, letting me know someone was carrying me and I wrapped my arms around their neck for comfort and went back to sleep.


She's torn between me, Harry and Ashton?! Harry I can understand because he knows how to get the girls but Ashton's been a dick to her the whole time. If she's torn between the three of us I think I'll just make it easier for her and move on with my list. Lisa was the next one down purely because she's hot, but she's been all over Mikey so keep going. Bre is a cute red head. Kinda short, thin, heart shaped face. She's cute and I'm the one that's kept her here so I think I'll just move to her. "Luke, we need to figure out who we're getting rid of." I heard Liam say from behind me and I pushed myself off of the couch that's in our part of the house to go to the kitchen and have us all pick 2 people to keep. "Where's Ashton?" I heard Calum ask, looking around and I shrugged. I heard a door open and saw Ashton carrying Liz, who looked asleep, up the stairs to her room. That was supposed to be me. Ashton came into the kitchen and looked at everyone. "So let's pick people." Liam said once we were all there and the boys started listing off people. "I think we should send Liz home." I blurted out and everyone looked at me in confusion. "Why? You were always the first one saying her name." Mikey said and I shrugged. "Because she's trying to decide who to pick." Ashton butted in and I glared at him. "So you're okay with her my knowing who she wants?" "It's her choice. I want her to be happy." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Well, I want to keep Liz." He said and I hugged in annoyance. "Okay, so Liz stays." Liam said and looked between the two of us. We are gonna have 12 girls because more than just Harry and Ashton picked the same girl. "So who is Liz stuck between?" Harry asked Ashton when we were walking out. "You, me and Luke. But I don't think Luke is a going concern anymore." Ashton said, glancing back at me.

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