Chapter 7

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So, today is my date with Luke and we are, in fact, going to play plaser tag. He rented out the place and we're all going, people going on dates today anyways. It's a laser tag/ bowling alley with a small arcade so I'm looking forward to today. Luke and I rode over together and the boys ride with their dates in separate cars. When we got there we were split into groups and four were going in the arena at a time. Out of the groups it was a free for all. We could switch who went whenever we wanted and we were going to be there all day. I pulled on a black muscle tank with "REJECT" written across in red with red high wasted cut offs, white chuck Taylor's and my hair up in a messy bun with natural makeup. I got so excited when we showed up and I pretty much ran inside, which is rare because I don't run. Luke was right on my heels and Luke and I were going in the first round with Ashton and his date, who I think is named Clara. I was running and shooting anyone I saw and I was in the lead. I literally ran into Ashton and he smiled once he realized it was me. I shot him and he stuck his tongue out at me before looking around and leaning towards me. I shot him again and ran away. Was he seriously about to kiss me while I'm on a date with Luke? Who does he think I am. I found look and snuck up on him, poking his cheek and then shooting him and running away, laughing like crazy. When the round ended I was the winner. I ran out and did a victory dance and Luke picked me up and ran over to the bowling alley, literally ran. We played a round, which I sucked at, before everyone else joined us. "Luke, I'm just not very good at this." I pouted and he stood up and pulled me over to the lane. He stood behind me and guided me, to help throw the ball and it actually went semi-okay, so much better than the last round did. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying, because he was really close to my face, so the rest of the round still sucked. "How about we go find a ski ball machine." I said when the round finished and he beat me for the second time. "Sounds like a plan." He said and we went to the arcade section, a camera man following us. It's odd to think I'm actually used to them at this point. We played a few rounds of ski ball and we were both pretty good at it. I make really weird faces when I'm trying to get a certain amount of points and Luke was laughing at me more than he was playing. He pulled me back to the laser tag arena and it was just the two of us going, since everyone else was distracted by the bowling alley and the arcade. The camera guys can't go in there with us, hazardous or something. The two of us walked in alone and I ran to the far edge of the room. I ended upstairs at some point, searching for Luke and I saw him downstairs, at the perfect angle to shoot at. I shot him and ducked before he could turn around to see me. I stayed there for a few minutes and when I looked out to see where he was I felt him tap on my shoulder. "Our rounds almost up." He pointed out and I nodded. I shot him again and smiled at him. "This has been really fun." He said and I nodded. "It has indeed." I agreed and he smiled at me. When his vest lit up I shot him again. "Would it be okay if I kissed you right now?" "I don't know, Luke." I said because I honestly didn't. I don't know what kind of feelings I have for him right now, what feelings I have for Ashton or Harry either. "It's fine if you don't want me to." He said and sounded a little upset by it. "It's not that, I'm just thinking about more than us. I know you aren't the only one wanting to date me and I'm trying to figure out how I feel about all of you and it's just difficult." I explained, rather horribly. "That's fine. I didn't even think about if they'd be mad." He admitted and they called the round over so we left the arena. We walked out and Ashton wasn't looking at me. "You wanna play one more round of bowling before we leave?" He asked and I nodded. I did slightly better this round, but I still sucked and Luke won. It was getting closer to 7 and Luke wanted us to go to an actual dinner after we played so he took us to some Italian place. "I was about to ask if you like Italian but you eat pretty much anything." He said, trying to joke and I nodded. "I do I do. It's a problem." "Not really. Makes it pretty simple when we make food at the house." He said and the conversation kind of died down. And the waiter took our orders before bringing back our drinks. We sat an talked while we ate and we were joking the entire time. When we finished eating and we were headed back to the house we were quiet for the most part. "What are you gonna do when we get back to the house?" "I'm probably going to go for a swim. I haven't gotten in the pool once since I've been here." I said and he nodded. "Mind if I join you?" "You can if you want." I said and he smiled. We pulled up to the house I stuck my tongue out at him before hopping out of the car. "I'll see you at the pool." He said and I went inside to change. I changed into a two piece and put a plaid shirt over what I was wearing, grabbing a towel and walking out. "Where are you going?" I heard Ashton ask from behind me. "I'm meeting Luke at the pool." I said and I heard him sigh. "Oh. I'll see you later, then." "Ash, are you okay?" "You've never called me Ash before." He said and smiled at me. "Yeah, well you've been more friendly recently." "Have fun at the pool." He said and walked away from me. I went out to the pool and saw Luke was surrounded by other girls. Of course he was. They were all in skimpy swim suits and smiling at him. He looked away from them, obviously uncomfortable, and got up when he saw me. "Do you wanna go for a walk?" He asked semi-quietly when he got over to me. "Sure." I said and he lead me away from the house. I didn't even realize this was beach front property. "This is beautiful." I commented and he turned to me and smiled.

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