+ [Chapter 2] Just Tell Him Already

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-Genny’s POV-

I was playing peek-a-boo with Ash on the living room floor when someone knocked on my door. I looked over my shoulder. The knock sounded again. I rolled my eyes, got myself up off of the carpet, and shouted, "Coming!"

I ran my fingers through my red velvet curly hair and opened the door. It was Anthony. He was wearing one of his Smosh T-shirts and dark wash jeans. My eyes widened and my arm fell to my side.

"Hey, Genny," He greeted with a smirk on his face, "How have you been?"

"Uh...I've been good," I replied as I slipped my hands into my pockets, "Look, I’m not trying to be rude or anything when I ask this, but why are you here?"

"I just wanted to talk. I mean, it was kind of rude of me not to talk to you or see you after the fourth of July. And it's been a year. Can you believe it?"

I laughed nervously, "Yeah...I wish we stayed in contact. It's such a shame. We really hit it off that night."

"May I come in?" He inquired.

I nodded my head yes and stepped to the side. He walked in and was amazed, "Wow, this place is awesome!"

"Thanks," I retorted, closing the door behind me and walking up to his side. I glanced up at him and gulped – the last thing I wanted right now was to see Anthony. And anyways, it’s been a year, like he said, why all of a sudden did he want to talk?

Anthony gasped before walking over to Ash and sitting down in front of him, rustling his hair, "And who's this cute little guy?" He glanced back at me, "Is he yours?"

"Yeah," I joined them on the floor, "His name is Ashton. I call him Ash."

Anthony laughed, "What a coincidence!" He picked him up and sat him in his lap, "I wanted my kid's name to be Ashton, just so I could call him Ash, like the Pokémon character."

I bit my lip in an attempt to keep quiet – it was unbelievable how much he was unintentionally taunting me to tell him that he's the father.

"Daddy!" Ash exclaimed in his cute baby voice as he raised his hand up to Anthony's face.

"Aw!" Anthony replied, grabbing his small hand. Ash wrapped his fingers around Anthony's thumb. I smiled, seeing Ash with his dad, "He thinks I'm his dad, how cute."

I laughed slightly, “Yeah, but you really should get going, Anthony.” I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest, “I have some things to do and...”

“I totally understand, you’re a busy single mom,” He put Ash back down on the ground and rose to his feet, "Maybe you and I could meet up sometime to catch up. You know?"

"Sounds good," I answered uneasily, scratching behind my head.

"I'll see you later," He hugged me quickly and waved to Ash before he walked out, "Bye, Ash!" Ash clapped his hands together and giggled.

I shut the door behind Anthony and leaned back into it. I heaved a sigh – that whole experience was mortifying for me, and Ash calling Anthony "daddy" didn’t make things any better.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and called Tiffany. It rang four times before she picked up. "Hey, what do you want? It's…eleven in the morning..." She replied in a tiresome tone. I was surprised she even knew what time it was.

"You have to come here right now,” I demanded, “We need to talk."

"What? Why?" She complained, " Genny, I just got up. Not even. I'm still fucking asleep!"

"Look, I need a friend to talk to right now and I can't talk to Ian!"

"And why not?"

"Because…it's about Anthony..." I replied sheepishly, my cheeks growing a bright red.

"Oh my god, you should’ve told me that in the first place! I'll be over in about thirty minutes. Okay?" And with that, she hung up. I set my phone down on the black, granite kitchen counter and sat down in one of the stools.

I glanced over my shoulder at Ash. He was trying to stand up on his own by supporting himself on the coffee table. I spun around to see him fell on his butt. I gasped, waiting for him to break down in tears. But no, he just pulled himself back up and tried again. I sighed in relief.

After Ash made a few more attempts to stand up, my cell phone went off. I looked over at it and saw Kalel posted a picture on Facebook. It was of her and Anthony with the caption: Two more days till our third anniversary!!! Of course she tagged me to the picture in hopes that I would see it.

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. Just then, Tiffany's voice blasted through the door. "Open up! Your best friend in the world is here!"

I got up and opened the door. "Hey, Tiff!" I hugged her and invited her in. She set her bag down on the floor near the door and sat down on my black, leather couch.

Tiffany had beautiful, wavy, blonde locks of hair that went down to the middle of her back. She was a size 2 in clothing and she's never had a long-time boyfriend because she's promiscuous. Her life seemed so perfect to me, I envied her. Was that bad?

"So, what happened?" She asked as I picked up Ash, sat down on the black, leather arm chair adjacent from the couch, and placed him in my lap.

"He came over today, saying he wanted to talk," I answered, pulling back Ash's dark brown locks of straight hair.

"So? What's so bad about that? I thought you liked him!"

"Of course I do, Tiff. But...we just...we wouldn't work out."

She scoffed, "Oh, come on, Genny! You're always putting yourself down!" She started to noticeably chew her mint gum. "And why wouldn’t you work out? You guys did it and made...that," She pointed to Ash, "I'm sure he has some kind of romantic feelings for you."

"Yeah, sure, one really good night means that two people automatically have romantic feelings for each other,” I remarked sarcastically. She nodded her head eagerly, “No, Tiff! That’s not how things work!”

"Whatever..." Tiffany shook her head, "Anyways, what happened when Anthony came over and wanted to talk?"

"Well, Anthony immediately noticed Ash and began to connect with him. And then Ash…catch this…he called him dad!" Tiffany gasped. "I know right? It was terrible," I dropped my head into my hands.

"You should just tell him already, G."

"What? No!" I leaned forward and continued in a whisper, "He can't know about Ash."

Tiffany crossed her arms, "And why not? For all we know, he might help you financially. And give you someone to come home to every night."

"No, Tiffany. I'm not telling him. And neither are you!" I pointed my finger at her, "Anthony will never find out about Ash, even if it's the death of me."

"But Ash needs a dad growing up!” She argued, “I mean…do you want him to become a thug in the streets?"

"I’m sure that that’s not going to happen..." I set Ash down on the floor and he crawled over to his Lego Duplo blocks near the windows, beginning to clink two pieces together.

"Anthony should know, Genevieve,” She said in all seriousness, pulling out the full name card, “What's the worst that can happen?"

"I'm fine raising Ash on my own, Tiff.”

“That didn’t answer my question.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know!”

“Exactly!” She yelled, rising to her feet, “You should just tell him already!”

“No!” I cried, jumping to my feet.

She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips, "You're never going to be happy, are you, Genny?"

"I'm happy the way I am right now.”

She smirked, "You're unbelievable. You know that, right?"

“Fully aware of it,” I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest.

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