Chapter 27

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The woods were quiet as my wolf body took over and ran throughout them. Marking my sent throughout the woods. Claiming these trees and bushes as mine.

I soon heard Logan in my mind. He was telling me something I quite didn't understand.

Allison! I heard.

What do you want?! I yelled through the mind link.

They're here! Run!

I didn't know who the they were but right now, I wasn't going to stop and ask. I ran as fast as my legs would go. When I felt something touch my back paw, I turned around and jumped on top of the person.

Then I took in the sent of my mate and I couldn't of been happier that it was him.

Allison we're in their territory. We have to leave now!
Logan said.

I didn't hesitate to get up and follow Logan back towards out territory.

I didn't look anywhere else but in the direction I was going. I quickly moved trying to keep up with Logan but it was hard. My legs burned. When I was trailing behind, only seeing the his tail through the trees I felt something hit me on my side and I was knocked down.

I called for Logan but I didn't know if he heard me or not.

I heard something scratching and pain shooting up my side. I couldn't deal with the pain anymore and turned back to my human form as I saw Logan running in his naked human form.

"Allison!!!" He screamed but nothing could help me or him.

I watched as Logan got knocked down himself and I closed my eyes when I saw flesh rip from his body. The feeling of being ripped into stopped but the lingering pain was killing me. I looked over to Logan and he was out cold. I got the strength in me to crawl over towards him so that we were together.

The woods turned quiet. A little too quiet and I turned my head to see what was going on.

"Daniel you know I was to be in physical therapy. I love doing things. Moving. Just being active." I heard a young woman probably in her twenties say.

"Jennifer you know we could open a gym together not be separate from each other." A young guy in his twenties said back.

They sounded like they were coming our way so I started trying to get my voice and scream.

I heard my voice sound pathetic but I had to keep trying.

"Heeelllp!" I said and not a second later I heard the woman, Jennifer say, "did you hear that? Oh my god! Daniel call 911! We need to get help."

I felt people pick me up and I opened my eyes and tried to find Logan in my blurry vision. Lights flashed everywhere and I heard sirens go off one after the other. People asked if I knew where I was or what was my name but I couldn't answer. Well I answered but no one knew my answers I said in my head. I felt pressure on my side and saw someone holding a towel there and the towel was quickly turning red, dark red with my blood.

I was soon put into the ambulance and sent off to the hospital and I was still wondering where Logan went and what happened to him. I gained enough strength to ask out loud what happened to Logan. "The boy... What happened?" I asked weakly.

"Shh sweetie don't talk. You're very weak and the boy you were with is in better condition than you. He is up and taking but we can't have him near you right now so we can focus on you." The woman right to me holding my hand said as she made me be quiet before getting me out of the ambulance and her and a couple others were pushing me into the hospital.

Lights flashed quickly above me as we went down hallways. I closed my eyes even though the nurse told me not to so many times. I heard her yell at me. "Keep your eyes open honey!"

"I'm tired, I'm gonna take a nap..." Before she could say anything I was too far gone for her to wake me up.

I was comfortable laying there on the bed as they rushed me down hallways and through doors. I found peace. I just wanted this to be over and see Logan.

I felt better. I woke up in what seemed like seconds but was actually hours. I got up and walked around trying to find Logan. I needed to know he was okay. I soon found him in a room on the third floor and went over to his bed and grabbed his hand. "I'm so sorry for everything I have done to hurt you. I love you so much."

Then my worst nightmare came true. His monitor went dead. His heart stopped. And I screamed for help. Nurses and doctors came running in but did nothing once they got a few feet away from Logan and I. "Help him! He's dying!" I begged.

But all they did was stare at me with sorrow in their eyes. "What are you doing? Help him!" I screamed louder hoping that time it would make it through their thick skulls.

"Sweetie you're the one dying.." The one nurse mumbled towards me.

I became angry, I thought she was crazy but she just looked deep into my eyes and then down at my stomach. I gently touched where she was looking while keeping eye contact on her.

When I felt something wet I looked down to see my hand covered in dark red. Blood. I ran around like a lunatic, opening every door, just needing to escape this world inside my mind and into the real world where my love is. I needed to tell him how much I love him. I need to.

The room began to spin and fade in and out and I couldn't do anything about it. I stumbled around the hallway. To be honest I didn't know where I was; and that's when I fell. I clasped onto the ground and heard my name being yelled by Logan. I looked around but didn't see him.

Finally I opened my eyes to him. I saw Logan and when I looked where I was, it was a hospital, and my stomach and side were all bandaged up and I had an oxygen tank connected to me.

The pain I felt was unbearable and I knew what I had to do.

"I love you..." I told him softly.

"No Allison don't say that to me..." I didn't look at him after that I kept my eyes looking up at the lights above me.

I smiled ever so slightly as I faded away hearing Logan scream my name.


Then I was just...

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