Chapter 16

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(Allison's ritual dress)^^^^
It was the day of the ritual and I was nervous but excited at the same time.

"Are you ready for today?" My mom asked.

"Yes!" I said much to excited.

My mom was doing my hair and makeup all day and Logan was with his family and friends waiting for the time to come as well.

As my mom was straightening my hair Logan called me.

"Hey babe. Ready for tonight?" He asked me.

"Of course." I kept myself calm.


"How'd you know?" We chuckled.

"Just a guess. And I can feel the nervousness from you radiating to me."

"Yeah. I can't help it. I'm ready but so nervous for it."

"I know what you mean Allison."

I smiled to myself and my mom braided my hair as I got off the phone with Logan.

"You sure you want to go through with this?" My mom asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I hope you know that if you try to back out and reject to be his mate. You both with slowly die together."

My eyes got wide and I suddenly was thinking every little thing over in my mind and I looked into the mirror at my mom and said, "I've never wanted something so much before."

She smiled and finished the braid.

"Good." She said as she went to get my dress.


The ritual was in the woods, the full moon over the location so that both Logan and I can feel the power and connect to each other more than we could on a regular night.

I walked down a lighted path to Logan waiting for me.

As soon as I saw Logan my heart pounded fast and I couldn't control what I was doing. My breathing was heavy and I was soon right up at Logan our chests inches apart.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

We held hands as the moon shown down upon us and I could suddenly feel everything he was feeling.

"I accept you Allison."

"I accept you Logan."

Soon all our emotions, our way of thinking became one and wind circled around us.

All of a sudden my body changed into the white wolf with blue eyes as I looked back up at Logan he was a great grey wolf with black eyes which looked at me with lust and love.

People in the crowd cheered and the cheering stopped as three bells rung which meant Logan and I were to hunt together for the first time as one.

Our wolves howled together as I heard his voice inside my mind, telling me moves to make and where to go.

We found a huge bear a mile away and Logan and I played with the bear until finally Logan attacked the back of it as I went for the throat and killed it.

We ate the meat together off the bear and I looked up to see Logan back as a human with his mouth stained with blood.

I shifted back and Logan came closer to me and wiped my mouth which had blood all over as well and leaned down and kissed me over our prey.

Our bodies knew what the other wanted and we were moving in sync.

Logan used our now supernatural sped to push me up against a tree and started roughly kissing me and touching my naked body all over.

Logan kissed from my lips down to my neck and slowly bit me, marking me as his.

I let out a moan and Logan pushed me up more and entered me roughly ready to mark me everywhere with his scent.

I looked up towards the sky and saw the moon moving across the sky slowly moving down ready to leave and let the sun shine on us to reveal the day.

Logan and I ended up waking up on the forest floor next to each other, our bodies sore and the Suns light blinding our eyes.

"You're mine Allison. Forever and always."


Sorry for the quick chapter. And sorry for the long wait.

Hope you like it anyway.

Please comment what you thought and please vote!!

Love ya


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