I'm what?!

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Due to Father's Day and me actually forgetting about my own story ( ._. sorry)  I'm here to write real quick.  Enjoy! ~Lauryn________________________________________________________________________________

[ Anderson ]

"Hey Zaria.  Nice to see you too?"

She looked at me with a blank expression.

"This is not the time to be comedic."

"Okay then.  Sheesh."

"Whatever.  I know about your mom's testing history and how it could affect the future of you and Alyx."

"Woah.  Affect us how?"

"Come here.  Please don't ask about this and don't tell anyone I have this files.  It's the recordings of your mom's test results"

She scattered them on the table.

"Honestly, I don't know how your mom made it.  I mean,l they poked her sides with 3 needles and released some unknown substances.  They were never recorded but that is enough to make me FREAK."

"Well... my mom is a fighter," I said with a grin.

She looked at me like I was stupid.

I shrugged and tapped the files.

"Anyways, It says the substaces were to react with the nervous and skeletal system in some way.  But the test failed.  So, they tried again that next year in 1996.  But that test failed.  They tried a year before you were born in 1997 and they tried again while she was pregnant with you and Alyx in 1998.  That time, it worked.  Now, for some reason, this did not change anything about her but it changed the outcome of you and Alyx."

"And by they.. who do you mean?"

"I mean Russian government.  These series of test were conducted by Russian officials."

"Now be braced for what I'm about to tell you.  You might want to hold on to something.  Try not to faint or anything.  Now, being the great scientist I am and my family too, she said sarcastically, I've figured out through all those experiments and the one in 1998 working. What you are is about to blow your mind."

"What am I?"  I said as I felt my voice growing with every word.

"Anderson, you are a mutant.  And so is Alyx. Like the ones off X-Men.  Just, real ones."

I dropped my mouth and nearly fainted.

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