My Biggest Regret

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Chapter Five

After seeing Cali in nothing but a towel, I had to take a step back. That was a little too much. I had only known her for a day and I already almost saw her naked. Not a good way to start off.

But I would be lying if now I wasn't more then a little attracted to her. She was beautiful. And she looked even cuter when she blushed.

Cali came back out of her room and we walked out of the barn. Well, actually, she more like ran out of the barn as I trailed behind her. She was probably still embarrassed and I felt like an ass for just standing there checking her out. I certainly was not helping by doing that.

Jerry was standing outside his trailer with his back to us. He turned around when he heard us coming and shook both of our hands. And in just thirty minutes, both horses were unloaded and in their stables. I walked with Jerry back to his truck as he told me about the horses. He said the female was fiesty and to watch out. The male was pretty mellow. I guess that was stuff I need to know. I waved and watched him drive away. When I came back to the barn, Cali was saddling up the new mare.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I got closer.

"Well, I'm putting a saddle on this horse. And then I think I might ride it," she replied without turning to face me.

She had an attitude, which was sexy, but she didn't really like me. That wasn't going to help. Cali had the horse already to go in about five minutes. It was the fastest I had ever seen someone do it.

"Wow. She's cute and knows how to ride a horse. I'm surprised Pres hasn't nabbed you yet," I said jokingly, as she hopped onto the horse and I came to stand next to her. I could tell she blushed a little and bit her lip. She was also trying not to smile.

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment. But there's still so much you don't know." She finally replied.

God she was so frustrating. And I still had no fucking idea who she even was! Eventually I would just make someone tell me.

Before I could even respond, she took off. But I wanted to go after her. I quickly got the male horse ready and I started off in the direction she went. I went about a mile into the west field when I saw her down by the lake, sitting underneath the old oak tree. I slowed down and saw her horse grazing up ahead. I got off mine and let him walk around too.

"So why don't you tell me about yourself?"

I walked down towards her and sat next to her in the grass. She didn't look at me and just kept looking at the water.

"I don't know you." She stressed the word you.

I was back to being frustrated. I sighed and leaned back in the grass. A few moments later, she did the same thing.

"Why? We're not friends yet?"

"I don't know. I did just meet you yesterday," she replied in a flat tone.

"Well I did just see you in a towel."

For the first time this afternoon, she turned to look at me. But not before punching me in the arm.

Her face looked calm. There wasn't a smile or a frown. She looked peaceful.

"I'm still mad at you for that. That was pretty embarrassing. And awkward." Even though she tried to hide it, a small blush creeped up her face and she chewed on her bottom lip.

I laughed at that. "Yeah I'm sorry again."

She turned all the way on her side and I did the same. We were close but still about two feet apart. If only I could scoot closer and not make it look obvious. "Why don't you tell me about yourself?" She asked in a quiet voice.

Whatever. I gave in. Maybe she would finally tell me anything besides her name.

"What do you want know?"

"Who are you? Why are you here." The last one wasn't a question. She said it as more of a statement.

How was I going to start? I don't know. I've never really told anyone my life story.

"Um...a few years ago, my dad and grandpa got into a pretty bad argument. We used to come here all the time, but after that, it stopped. My grandparents were practically cut out of our lives."

I stopped for minute. I have no idea why, but for some reason I got choked up. I loved coming out here. It had been where I grew up. And stopping those trips, broke the relationship between me and my grandparents. And no one would ever know how much that affected me. They were the closest thing I had to loving parents. My real ones weren't so great.

"But six years ago, Preston got into some trouble in school and my grandparents thought it would be best if he moved out here with them. My parents didn't like that at all, so I not only lost my grandparents, but my brother as well. My dad told me I wasn't allowed to come back. And so I grew up. Without the most important people in my life."

Cali sat back up and sat Indian style. She folded her hands in her lap and stared at them. I don't know why she was so quiet.

"But then why did you come back?

"Um, well actually...I got a DUI. I was being stupid and irresponsible. But I was lucky my uncle is a cop. He was able to get it so I could work out here instead of going to some rehab program and community service. This is technically supposed to be my punishment, but it's not like that. It was a way to come home, you know?"

I sat up and looked at her. She was looking at me with a blank expression. But after a moment, a slow smile spread across her face. But it still didn't look real. I wondered what her real smile looked like. One that reached her ears. But for what it was worth, her small, fake smile was still really pretty.

"Uh. Never thought of you as a criminal." We both started laughing.

"Yeah. I didn't either."

We sat in silence for a while. Deciding to get drunk that night and then driving home had been a terrible decision. If I could take it back, I would in an instant.

Cali stood up and brushed the dirt off her butt. She checked her phone and read something on it.

"It's almost five o'clock. We should get back," she said, glancing up the hill.

"Okay," I said standing up. "I'll race you."

She gave me a glance before sprinting back to her horse. God she was fast. I ran over to my horse and got on. She had a good lead, but I could tell my horse was fast. I was caught up to her within seconds.

"You're gonna lose!" I screamed at her.

"In your dreams!" She screamed back. I had just pulled ahead when suddenly she wasn't next to me. I looked behind me and she was wasn't there either. But then I looked to the left and she was heading off in that direction. Where the hell was she going?

Whatever. I was beating her. I got up to the barn and slowed the horse down. I got off and walked him into the barn. But then Cali walked by me smiling. The hell?...

"How? How did you do that?"

"I know a short cut," she replied with a wink and another fake smile.

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