Chapter 7

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Frisk stared at the snowman. "'s missing something," they said. "This!" Asriel shrieked and slammed the carrot onto the snowman's face so hard that snow crumpled off.
Frisk froze a moment in surprise before falling over in laughter. The snowman's face was flattened. Suddenly the carrot fell off. Frisk laughed harder.
"It looks like Sans!" Frisk said pointing at the Snowman's face. Asriel chuckled. "I see it!"
Toriel stood at the doorway to the house silently. She had been hesitant to accept Asriel. It was all so...strange to her. But she loved her son dearly and when she finally accepted what he had been..she found relief and happiness.
Sans tapped Frisk's shoulder, which was speckled with snow. Frisk turned and froze to see his serious expression. "Sans? What's wrong?" Frisk asked.
Sans lead Frisk away from Asriel who was trying to fix the snowman.
"Frisk," he said quietly. "When...when Asriel stole our souls...and I was a Lost Soul..did...did I say anything? Anything at all?"
Frisk didn't like thinking back, but they thought really hard. " said....something like...'Just give up...I did.'"
Sans stepped back. He was silent for a moment before nodding. "Okay....thank you."
Confused, Frisk nodded. "No problem." Then they returned to Asriel.
"Wowie!" Papyrus's voice echoed across the snow. "You made a snow Sans!"
"Asriel hide!" Frisk hissed between clenched teeth.
"Where?" Asriel asked. "We're in the middle of a field!"
Suddenly Toriel jumped in front of Asriel as Papyrus raced up."It's very accurate!" He said. "Except it isn't sitting down."
Asriel snorted from behind Toriel. To hide it Frisk let out a loud laugh. "Good one Papyrus!" Frisk said. "Hey Pap, wanna see a magic trick?"
Papyrus looked down. "Wowie! You have magic?" Papyrus asked. "Human magic must be very powerful!"
Frisk nodded. "It is...close your eyes and count to ten, and I'll show my magic!"
Of course Papyrus did it. And while he counted Asriel slipped into the house with Toriel.
Papyrus opened his eyes to find only Frisk. "Wowie!" He said. "You made Toriel disappear! you bring her back? I need to give her a message from Sans."
Sans was just here though...
Slightly confused Frisk led Papyrus into the warm house where Toriel's soft hum came from the kitchen.
Frisk headed down the hall, but stopped as Papyrus's voice echoed down the hall. "A message from Sans...I promised I wouldn't read it."
Frisk waited for Papyrus and Toriel to stop talking about cooking techniques and how great Human World snow is. Papyrus finally left. Frisk slipped into the kitchen with Toriel.
"Mom...what was the message?" Frisk asked. Toriel gave a thoughtful look. "I'm unsure. It was a note." She pulled out the small piece of paper Papyrus gave her and looked down. A few seconds later horror filled her face and she dropped the note. Frisk hesitantly grabbed it and read what it said.

Sorry...I can't take this. I am going to find the reset button and fix what's been done...maybe I can stop the disaster before it happens.

"No!" Frisk gasped. "He means the souls that Asriel took! We have to stop him!"
Toriel buried her face in her hands. "Im...afraid there's no way to travel back to the Monster Kingdom...not now..all we can do..for everyone's hope that Sans....Sans...doesn't ever reach the reset button."
Frisk took a step back. "You don't mean..."
Toriel sighed. "The only way monsters can remain living happil is if Sans dies."

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