Chapter 6

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"I-I dont know...Frisk...I don't like this."
"It'll be fine! Stop being a scaredy cat!"
"It's getting dark! Mom is probably worried sick!"
Frisk looked back. "Stop complaining! I get it! But this was your idea!'
"I...I know but...Frisk look out!" Asriel screamed.
Too late!
Frisk grunted as something wrapped around their waist and squeezed them. "Asriel!" They choked as they were lifted into the air, the grip getting tighter. "Help!"
Asriel looked terrified. "F-Frisk! I'll go get Mom! Hold on!"
Asriel turned to run but tripped. Through Frisk's blurred vision they watched Asriel reappear from the darkness in a new form with yellow petals.
"Asriel!" Frisk cried.
Flowey turned and snickered. "Who's Asriel?"
Frisk screamed as Flowey morphed into a hideous beast. "The souls are mine Chara!" His voice boomed. "Now die!"

Frisk sat upright with a scream. Asriel jumped in the bed next to Frisk. The bed had once been empty, but Asriel had taken it for the time being.
"What? What is it?" Asriel asked.
Frisk's heart was racing. "It was....just a dream." Frisk said. "Uh...go back to sleep."
"Okay," Asriel said hesitantly. Frisk laid back down but couldn't fall back to sleep for a while.
When they did they slept without a dream for the first time in a while.

"Hey Sans!" Frisk said doing their best to peer over the counter. "What are you cooking?"
Sans stared down at the stovetop. "I have no idea. I told Papyrus I'd give cooking a shot though."
"Can I help?" Frisk asked.
"Go for it," Sans said. Frisk grabbed the handle to something and pulled it down.
Was that a-?
"Frisk why don't you- Ah!"
Frisk jumped when Sans jumped backwards. He crashed into the stove and knocked the pot of water into the floor.
"Sans, what!"
"Frisk! the knife down."
Frisk looked down at the knife. "I just-"
"Sans grabbed the knife quickly and carefully and Frisk stared silently. "What's wrong?" Frisk asked. Sans looked down at the puddle of water on the floor.
"Er....nothing. Just...a little..jumpy today. I'll clean this up and we can go to Grillby's."
Frisk smiled. "Okay!"
Feeling reassured, Frisk went back to their room to get their scarf.

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