Chapter 1

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There was a knocking sound on the door. Frisk stirred slightly.
The door creaked. "Frisk? Time to wake up," a soft voice said. Frisk sat up, feeling their hair spike up in multiple directions. "Good morning Toriel," they muttered in a small voice, rubbing their eye with a hand.
"I didn't know if you wanted to sleep in's snowing. I figure you would want to see."
Frisk's vision cleared enough for them to see Toriel's welcoming face.
"Its snowing?" They repeated.
"Yes, it is!" She said, obviously struggling to hide the excitement in her voice. Frisk remembered Toriel had never seen snow before. Of course she had seen snow in Snowdin...but it was very different from snow in the above world. They smiled and slid out of bed, hurrying over to the closet. They slid on their rain boots and a heavy jacket and raced over to Toriel who smiled.
"Dont forget this," she said fitting a hat over your head. It was too big so it covered their eyes. She laughed and pulled it back some.
"And here." She handed them a pair of gloves and watched, smiling as they slid them on. Finally they grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around their neck. They grabbed Toriel's hand and dragged her to the door, opening it.
"Oh, Frisk I don't have a jacket, I cant-" she stopped when she saw the powdery white snow already covering the forest surrounding their house. She stepped outside and stared in complete surprise.
Frisk smiled as she caught a snowflake on her hand. Her eyes reflected her emotions so clearly.
"It isnt that cold..." Frisk said. "Besides, you have fur."
Toriel smiled.
Frisk shrieked as something cold slammed into their neck, exploding into their face and running down their back making them jump and attempt to get the ice out. They scooped up a ball of snow and turned to see Sans grinning his typical smile.
"Hey kid," he said.
"Do not worry Frisk!" A loud cheerful voice came from almost no where. "I, the great Papyrus, will avenge you!"
Sans looked to the left in surprise as Papyrus charged him. "No no no-" he said right be for his brother tackled him.
Frisk bit back laughter as Sans vanished in the white powder. Papyrus leaped to his feet with a cheerful cry. Sans groaned in false defeat and threw a clump of mud and snow at Papyrus, who's expression changed to shock.
Frisk raced over excitedly, and pulled Sans to his feet. Then he clumped together snowballs and chunked them at Papyrus rapidly, who shrieked in surprise as snowballs sailed towards him.
Frisk froze when a metal shield slammed down blocking out the snow. Undyne tossed the shield aside and threw a large ball of snow at Frisk. It broke apart midair so it was only a spray of powdery cold when it hit them.
Sans chuckled with laughter and Toriel watched from the doorway, smiling. Asgore had appeared next to her.
"Where is Alphys?" Undyne asked brushing snow off her jacket. "I thought she was here."
"We haven't seen her," Frisk said patting snow into a ball to make a snowman.
Undyne frowned. "Hm. I'll go look for her." Frisk didn't pay attention to her departure. They were too busy remolding their snowman to make a wall.
Suddenly Undyne's shield caught their eye.

"Hmm," Toriel said to Asgore. "I wonder where Alphys is...she usual comes every morning. I don't see where she could be other than her cabin though."
Suddenly she heard a panicked cry, and looked up sharply. Frisk was gone.

It was horribly cold.
But the cold wasn't so bad...was it?
It didn't feel bad...
It only made Frisk feel....tired.
Suddenly the water shifted downwards and something grabbed their hoodie, slowly pulling them upwards. The urge to breathe became stronger and suddenly they were back on land.
But it was too bright. And Frisk's head hurt. They hit it when they fell through. So they fell into a dizzying darkness.

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