
304 9 14

-Meghan's POV-

I loved Phil so much. I had my hands wrapped around his neck and his were placed at my jaw. I think I had forgotten how much I missed Phil up until this moment. His lips were soft and sweet and I loved them.
I got lost in the moment, it could've been two minutes or two hours. Nobody will ever know, but I got pulled out when I heard somebody say something and then Phil pulled away.
I look over and see some guy standing in the hall next to us. He was staring at Phil with a look of disgust. The awkward moment continued for a few more seconds and I was about to say something but Phil beat me to it. 
"Dan.. It's not.. um I can explain.."
I look back up at Phil who just said that and just kinda stare at him. I'm genuinely confused. The other dude starts tearing up and Phil looks like he's about to cry and then the other guy just whispers that they're done?
He stands there for another second before walking out of the hallway, presumably leaving the restaurant.
"What the hell is going on?" I turn to Phil 
He just stands there and stares into outer space. I raise my voice a little to try and get his attention.
"What was that? Who was he? Do you know him?" I was started to get concerned now.
Phil's face scrunched up a little and a tear rolled down his face.
"Meghan I'm so sorry." He said with another tear falling down his face, and then he ran.
"Phil!" I turn around the corner and stare into the diner but he's already gone.
He literally just left me standing here not knowing what to do. Not knowing what to think. I had to go after him.
I awkwardly shuffle out of the diner trying to draw the least amount of attention. I stop to apologize and hand our waitress a few ones even though we had only gotten water. 

I go out into the parking lot and his car is still here. Did he seriously run off without his car? Ugh, really Phil?  
I'm just gonna guess that he went home, so that's where I'm gonna go. I wasn't really running, because I honestly didn't know where he went. I was just kinda fast walking. What was going on though? Apparently the others guys name was Dan and apparently they knew each other pretty well. My mind kept wondering to places I didn't want it to go. My overactive imagination kept jumping to conclusions and the one I kept landing on was.. that he cheated. I mean I know that's not what actually happened. I'm a glass half full person, and I couldn't let myself think like that.

I finally make it to Phil's house and start walking up the empty gravel drive, and I'm pretty sure he's here because, well, he has nowhere else to go. I walk up to the front porch and almost run into the door because It doesn't open. I try again. It's locked...? They never lock their doors... He must've locked it because he wanted privacy, but I can almost guarantee that he didn't lock the back doors.  
I sneak around back by crawling over their high tech fence and through the garden to their back door. I cross my fingers and place my hand on the doorknob.
"3.. 2.. 1!"
I push as hard as I can and almost fall in the house when the door opens. Booyah.
Their back door led straight into their kitchen, and lemme tell you, it was a mess. It had gotten much worse than I thought it was. There were so many bottles everywhere and there was actually dried blood on the floor. After I find Phil I'm gonna beat him up for lying to me and telling me that things were fine when they weren't. I know none of it is actually his fault, but he really doesn't do anything to help himself. he purposefully gets into fights with his father and antagonizes him all the time. But still, he's not the one anyone should blame. 
I slowly start making my way up the stairs, keeping one hand on the banister.
I get to the second floor and fast walk to his room. I'm kinda nervous that he isn't even here, because I don't hear anything.
I knocked on the door lightly, but there's no response. Maybe he's fallen asleep. His door is closed, but thankfully, not locked. I turn the handle and push his door open. I'm relieved to see him laying down on the bed but my heart stops when I see a puddle of blood on the floor.
I rush over to him and see that the blood is coming from his wrists.
"Oh my fucking God."
I look over and see a blade in his other hand, and I know.
I get up and rush into his bathroom to grab towels. I put them on his wrists and push them down as hard as I can.
"Phil." Tears start forming in my eyes "Phil, you can't do this to me."
There was so much blood. I had to call somebody.
I pull out my phone and dial the emergency line.

"Hello? What's you're emergency?"

"Um" It was hard to talk now because I was sobbing "I think my friend tried to kill himself. Oh God. he's bleeding so much please send an ambulance" I can barely tell her where we were because I was shaking and crying so much. She said that the paramedics would be on their way.  But how soon? I didn't know how much longer he had. The cuts looked really deep and it sickened me just to look at them.
"Phil, please. Please wake up!"
I was shaking him now. I was trying to make him wake up but he wasn't moving.

I knew from my many medical drama shows that I had watched, that I needed to apply pressure. I grabbed a blanket that was next to him on the bed and pushed it down on his arm. this only made the blood come out faster and made me gag. It felt wrong but I knew it would help in the long run. I laid my head down on his chest, sobbing. I couldn't do this. I should've seen the signs. I knew he was depressed and that he self harmed but he said it had gotten better. I never thought he would try something like this again. 

I was focusing on the rising and falling of his chest. That all I cared about right now. Everything was building up inside of me. I couldn't take it anymore.
"Just fucking wake up!"
I practically screamed at the top of my lungs. Everything was quiet for the moments after, blissful almost. Until I realized that Phil's chest never came back up.

Hola amigos, lo siento.
I got really emotional writing this chapter cause I've kinda been in a situation like this so sorry if it's triggering. Also, HOLY COW 770 READS OML I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. also if any of yall ever need help or feel like this pls message me and i can talk bc nobody deserves to be depressed. 
Make sure to
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