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-Phil's POV-

I was sitting on Megan's bed talking to her about how we should get a dog together when my phone goes off. I sigh really loudly and over exaggerate my eye roll.
"Oh whoever could that be?" Meghan asks in some weird accent.
"I don't know." I shrug and then pick up my phone. I place my finger on the home button and watch as the screen illuminates

Hey Phil, I'm sorry about today and I was just wondering if I could come over and talk to you?
4:57 pm

Ugh. I really didn't have time for Dan. I mean, one minute I like him and I have the courage to kiss him and he rejects me and now he wants to talk.
"Who is it?" Meghan leans over and tries to read my texts.

"Oh it some guy in my first period. We have a project together and he wanted to know if I could come over and work on it."

"Well then go do your project! Time to be a mother. You ready?"
I laugh a little and raise my eyebrows at her.
"Go for it."

She clears her throat and then starts talking in an old lady voice. "Your grades are more important than girls."

"Yeah whatever."

"For real though Phil, you should go do your project and we can hang out later."

"I told him to give me two hours. Two more hours and then I'll go do my project. Okay mom?"
We both start laughing and she puts on a serious face and her accent.
"Whatever, as long as it gets done."

The next two hours consisted of us retelling old stories of us at school and dumb reasons why we fought, and the even dumber reason we broke up. We shared genuine laughs and I was actually happy for the first time in a while. As soon as I got home, I texted Dan.
Hey. I'm home now if you still want to talk.
7:13 pm

I wonder what Dan wanted to talk to me about? I honestly hope that it wasn't about last night and everything because now I'm thinking about getting back together with Meghan and I don't need him reminding me that only yesterday I was head over heels for him.
I just need to stop thinking about him. If I just ignore the feeling it'll eventually go away. I took a chance and asked Meghan if we could maybe get back together and she said yes and I didn't realize how much I missed her. I'm happy with her, and I don't want to ruin that.

Dan texts me back saying that he's on his way.

The thought of him made my stomach flutter.
I need to not like him. I don't even know why I do like him. He rejected me. Maybe I'm just attracted to people who play hard to get.

I walk out of my bathroom just as I hear the knock at the door. I rush down the stairs, but take a moment to catch my breath before leaning over and peeking out the window. Dan is standing on the porch tapping his hand against his pants and my heart skips a beat.
I take a deep breath to try and steady my heart rate before planting my hand on the doorknob and opening the door. Dan just casually stands there watching the door open.


"Um hi." He says awkwardly

"Are you just gonna stand there or...?" I really don't have time to be 'Mr. Nice Guy'. Maybe if I push him away he'll stop talking to me and then I won't talk to him and boom, problem fixed.

"Haha yeah I'll come in."

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

He struggles to find words while I take him up the stairs and to my room.
"I don't know. I guess, just, everything."


"Maybe the fact that you kissed me yesterday." goddammit I was really hoping he wasn't going to say that.
My face immediately turned rosy red. I look down trying my best to hide it.
"Yeah.. About that, I'm sorr-"

"Don't be."
What the hell is that supposed to mean? He takes a couple of steps towards me until we are only inches apart.
"Im the one who should be sorry. Because I think I liked it." He whispers
You've got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell Dan.
I take a step back afraid of what Dan is about to do.
You can't just do that to people. You can't just diss them and then come back saying you liked them all along.
"But you-you ran out afterwards and I thoug-"
But I can't get anymore out because Dan shoves his lips into mine.
Jesus Christ Dan.
I don't know what to do here.
I've decided that I can't deny I have feelings for him but I also have a goddamn thing with Meghan who I care a lot about and love. I can't just date her and Dan. I'm pretty sure that called cheating. And that would make me a slut. I tense up and shove Dan off of me
"Dan.. I, I can't. You don't-"

He leans in again and I fear he's going to kiss me, but he just sits there. He just sits there with his face hanging inches away from mine. I wasn't quite sure of what to do. I wanted so badly to explain to him that I can't kiss him because I just got back together with someone, but I just couldn't bring myself to. Because the truth was, I did really like him.

 Slowly, his lips moved towards mine again and we were kissing. I tried so hard to fight it, to make the decision that I didn't like him and that what happened yesterday was a fluke. But I just couldn't push him away again, because I'd not only be breaking him, but I'd break myself. I let my body relax and naturally just started kissing back. Kissing him was slightly helping with erasing all of the anxiety in my mind about Meghan.
His arms slip around my neck and he links his hands together pulling me in even farther.
I place one of my hands on his neck and use the other one to ruffle his hair.
This was a great moment, and I did like him, but could it ever work out? Could we ever have a good relationship with us being both guys and me having a girlfriend at the moment. I was very hesitant with each kiss, not wanting to give off the wrong message.
Eventually We both stop because we needed to get air.
He leans his forehead against mine. We're both panting and I feel a drop of sweat trickle down my face.
He pulls his face away from me and I look up. I search his deep chocolate eyes for answers when he steps back and takes a breath.
"So I guess maybe we could try this out again?" What was I supposed to say? We'd only just met. I'd need to have time to break it off with Meghan, if I even did want to break it off. she was almost a perfect match for me and I finally got her back. Why is Dan making me question my loyalty to her? I'm going to need time to think this through. It's like I'm on the Bachelor and I'm having to choose between the last two contestants.
His question lingers in the air for a while before I finally make up my mind. My voice is shaky and unsure but I manage to get it out.

"Yeah, I guess so."

OKAY I know this is literally the same scene as the last chapter but from Phil's POV. And I'm really sorry. There will be more scandalous Stuff coming up soon [like really soon].
Okay thanks for reading I HAVE LIKE 320 READS! That's crazy yall. Thanks so much <3

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