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-Phil's POV-

I was furious.
I was steaming
I was pacing back and forth through the small bathroom rattling questions off at Dan.
"Why did he do this? What did he say? Was there somebody else with him?"

"I-I don't know."

"You don't know what!"
His face scrunches up and his brows furrow.
"I'm sorry, okay? I just want to find him and return the favor."

"Phil don't."

"Why not?"

"It's not worth it. I'm fine. See?"
He attempts to get up but stumbles back onto the floor. His eyes are glossy and he probably has a concussion, not to mention the fact that his right eye is already swelling over and becoming purple.
"You're not fine and the son of a bitch is gonna regret ever laying a hand on you."

"Phil, I'm begging you. It's not worth it."

"Well then what do you want me to do!"

"I want you to let it go."

"Let it go? Are you serious? He comes in here, does this to you and you expect me to just let it go?" I was shaking. 

"Yes, I do. It's not even really your problem. It's mine. Let me handle it."

"Let you handle it? What are you gonna do? Walk up to him and say oh hey, sorry for getting blood on your shirt."

"I'm not helpless you know."
He looked hurt, offended. He thinks that I think he can't take care of himself. I feel bad but it's kinda true. I know he won't handle the problem on his own the way the problem should be dealt with.
"I mean I want to believe that but I just can't help but notice you're laying on the floor covered in blood and Zack isn't."

"Maybe I don't want to fight back. If I would have fought back I would look a lot worse than I do now. Maybe your the one who needs to learn something. You don't always have to fight back, because fighting back just creates more problems."

"Yeah well when you actually know how to fight you won't end up worse off."

"Well then Phil, where did you learn to fight." he raises his brow



"Yes! I taught myself. My dad helped a little. Anymore questions?"

"Yeah, about your dad."
I tense up
"He taught you how to fight? Does he even know that you almost killed Brady? I mean he must know because you came home with a messed up face."

"That doesn't matter."

"It actually does." He tried moving again, I guess to intimidate me into answering, but he just fell back down and winced in pain.
I was almost as mad at Dan as I was a Zack. Why was he pressuring me like this. Can't he see that I don't want to talk about it. Maybe his vision is impaired from his and Zacks scuffle. I needed to change the subject.
"Did he say why he beat you up?"

"I think it was because I'm gay and he's a homophobe or something."

"Asshole" I mutter
I don't care if I'm pissed at Dan right now, I won't let Zack get away with this.
"Are you okay? Can you take care of yourself?"

"I guess?" He looked at himself knowing that it would take some work. "why?"

"Cause I've got to take care of something."

"Phil don't. Please Phil. You don't have-"
I walk out of the bathroom and swiftly speed down the hallway, not bothering to listen to what Dan had to say to me. When I get closer to the cafeteria the hallway starts to get more crowded.
I spot Zack talking with a couple of his friends in a circle, his back turned to me.
"Hey asshole!"
He swivels on his heels until he's facing me.
He had a smile on his face that quickly faded when he realized that it was me.
I'm walking toward him fast. My hands are clenched into fists and I'm gritting my teeth so hard that my jaw starts to hurt.
You asked for it bitch.
He realizes that I'm not coming just to talk and he darts off into the crowd of people. I'm right behind him at his heels trying to grab the collar of his shirt. I shove people out of the way and try my best to keep up with him. There were so many people and I got held up behind a big group of kids who refused to let me through. By the time I got around them I had lost Zack.
I didn't have time to wonder around searching every face to find him. I had to get back to Dan and make sure he was okay.

"Phil what did you do?"


"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean I lost him in the crowd! I got held up by some group of kids that I couldn't get through."

"You chased him?"

"Yes! You better be lucky that he got away. We need to get you home."

Dan ended up being mostly okay. His stomach ached and his head was hurting and he had a nastily bruised face, but after a few Advil, he was alright. 
I hadn't been to Dan's house yet. It was small and cute. It was an older house and had a sun room around back. It was a one story house but they apparently used the attic for an extra room if they needed one. He told me it was just him and his mom that lived there. I didn't bother to ask about his father, he'd been through enough today. He said his mom wouldn't be home for a couple of hours and that she wouldn't care if I stayed here for awhile.
He wrapped one arm around my shoulder and I helped him up the front steps and through the door.
"So, welcome to my own little mansion."

"Hah it's cute."

"Yeah. This is what people who aren't rich end up with."
I glare at him. I know that I had more money than the average person but I didn't like being called rich.

"It's fine. So which one is your room? Lemme guess. I've got like fifty percent chance right?"

"Haha very funny." He says sarcastically

"I thought it was."
He makes a face and raises his eyebrow before leading me through a door next to the kitchen.
His room was pretty bare except for the one light blue wall that had a couple of posters on it. He had a queen size bed and a desk in the corner. There was the occasional shirt randomly thrown on the floor and a few pairs of boxers but it was actually pretty clean. I help him down on the bed and sit down next to him.
"So what's with the one blue wall?"

"Oh you know, I got lazy and never painted the rest."

"Oh. That's a great excuse."

"I know right!" He says enthusiastically. 

"So what does your mom do?"

"Oh she's a pediatric nurse."



"So does she know you're dating a guy?" My parents obviously weren't the most reliable, maybe his mom could be the cool one that had me over for dinner every night a nd let me sleep here and stuff. 

"Nope. Hasn't really come up. What about your parents?"

"Haha I haven't even talked to them in like 2 days, much less tell them I'm dating a dude."
He looks at me and I can see concern in his eyes
"Are you're parents-"

"Yeah I just don't really like talking about them."

"Yeah. Sorry."
I needed to change the subject
"So are you sure your mom won't care?"

"About what?"

"About this."
I lean over and give him a quick peck on his lips. He smiles and leans over to where his lips are hovering next to my cheek.
"I'm sure she won't mind."
I smile before he leans over and he's on top on me. Our lips collide and it sends shivers down my spine. It wasn't subtle, it probably wasn't even cute. It was fast, furious, and hungry. My right hand went up to his head and tugged at his hair. My other hand went up behind his shirt and started rubbing his back. I push him back on the bed and straddled him.


"Shit I'm sorry, I almost forgot that you're half broken. I'll go easy." 

 I start moving my hips slowly against his, creating friction. A little moan escapes his mouth whenever I pulled away to breath. He was beautiful, and cute. Somehow, somebody who was just beaten to a pulp was cute to me.
I think he will always be cute to me.

Broken | Dan and Phil Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz