Chapter 15: Friendship Again?

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Harry's POV:
I run upstairs into my room and close the door, locking it. Why does he do this?! Couldn't this have happened maybe a few days earlier? I would have gladly accepted Niall back but now Louis is here and I love him. But there's a piece of me that loves Niall and wants to forgive him too.

There's a knock on my door. I get up and unlock it. I don't even know why I locked it in the first place. I open the door and my mum is standing there happily.


"The football game's on" she says, "Come watch with your father and I."

I nod, "Alright." I take my phone out of my back pocket and throw it on the bed. I need a distraction from all this boy drama.

I follow her downstairs and into the living room where my dad is sitting on the couch enjoying a beer.

"Just in time, Harry. Game just started" he says, taking his eyes from the screen moments before glueing them back.

I nod and sit on the couch, while my mum sits on the other end of it, watching the tv intently.

I don't enjoy the game as much as I should've or would have liked to. My mind keeps traveling to think back to Niall and Louis. Which one to choose?

But like Niall said, why do I have to choose? I can be Louis' boyfriend and be friends with Niall. Would it be too weird? Would Louis like Niall? Would Niall try and steal Louis from me?

"Harry?" asks my mum and her and my dad stare at me like they've seen a ghost.

"Hm?" I ask looking up at them curiously.

"Harry, we just scored. You showed no emotion" says dad, looking at me skeptically now.

"Oh... Sorry I guess I have too much on my mind" I say and shake my head.

"Harry" says mum sitting beside me, "Is everything ok?"

I shake my head again, "Don't worry. It's nothing big I promise" I say and then sigh, "I'll pay better attention to the game. Sorry."

"Harry, you don't have to watch the game with us" says dad, "You won't hurt our feelings" he chuckles.

I shake my head, "No, I swear I'm fine" I say and look up at the tv. My parents exchange looks, then shrug and turn their heads back to the tv.

I can't go to my room or else I'll be forced to think even more about Louis and Niall.

Isn't that what I was doing just then, though? I mentally shake my head at my stupidity.

I watched the game, successfully only thinking about Louis and Niall once or twice.

I went upstairs after the game, seeing as it was almost eleven. I take off my shirt and pants, stripping to only my underwear.

I crawl into my cold bed and brought the blankets over my body and snuggled into them, gently drifting to sleep.

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. I open my eyes and rub them, "Huh?" I asked cluelessly into the dark. I reached my arm out and found the chain on my bedside lamp. I pulled it, clicking it on.

"Hey" smiles Niall, "Is there room for someone else in your bed?"

I look at him, shocked to see him standing there, "How'd you get in? What time is it?"

"It's almost three" he says beginning to take off his shirt, "Can I lay with you? I won't try anything I promise."

"Wh- how'd you get in?" I repeat, confused by this whole situation.

He only looked up. I followed his stare and saw my curtains covering my window, blowing in the breeze from my now open window.

"You broke in?!" I exclaim, naturally moving over for him to crawl in next to me.

"No, it was unlocked" he says laughing quietly as he crawls into bed with me.

"Why are you here?" I ask. That's all that's coming to my mind. Questions.

"Because I was bored in my hotel room all alone" he says, "And I missed you."

"No Niall. I haven't given enough thought to this yet. I want us to be okay but if it involves Louis not feeling comfortable then it can't happen" I say, covering myself in the blankets again.

"Okay, yeah" he says, "We could be friends. Only friends. I'll- I'll find someone to be my boyfriend. Or hey! Maybe I'm bi and I'll find a girl" he shrugs, "I just want things to go to normal."

"Well, it can't be normal, Niall. It will never be normal. It doesn't mean it can't be different, though" I suggest, "I mean, with Louis, we can be a whole new set of friends."

"Yeah, I like the sound of that" he says and lays on the pillow next to mine, "Don't worry I'm not going to try anything tonight. I just wanted to be with you."

"Okay, fine" I say, "No closer than that" I tell him.

He nods, "Alright. I won't" he promises.

"Oh! And you have to be gone before the sun rises" I warn him.

"Why do you turn into a hideous witch?" he jokes, chuckling to himself about his dumb joke.

"Funny" I say sarcastically, "But no. Louis is coming over in the morning and if my mum lets him in and he sees you, you will never get my forgiveness ever again" I say, threateningly, "Got it?"

He nods, "Yeah, don't worry, babe" he smiles and closes his eyes.

"Babe?" I ask cautiously.

"Sorry. Harry."

"Better. Please don't make that mistake again" I ask him, "Please."

"I won't. Stop nagging me, Harry" he laughs and closes his eyes once more, "Night, Harry" he says.

I roll my eyes, "Goodnight, Niall" I say, mockingly back.

I reach over and grab the now warm chain to my lamp. I pull downwards, holding it a minute, thinking of my decision. I smile and let go of the chain, as the light flicks off.

I get comfy under my covers again and close my eyes, 'only if Louis is
Ok with this' I think to myself, 'if now, Niall is gone'.

I smiles and drift off to sleep for a second time in a matter of hours.

Yay!!! Niall and Harry are together!!!! Or are they??? We'll see what Louis says.

QOTC: Do you think Louis will become friends with Harry and Niall?

Have a suggestion on to what should happen next? Comment what you think here.

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Hope you are enjoying it! Love ya!

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