Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Where're we goin'?"


"But I can' go 'ome. Me da' hates me, remember?" Paul asked quietly. John frowned and stroked Paul's hair.

"He doesn't hate ye, Paul. He's just not quite used to the idea of...y'know." It was quiet on the bus and he didn't want the couple in the front seat to hear them.

"Does this mean I h-have to sleep on a park bench?" Paul said in between a couple of hiccups. John laughed. It was amazing how Paul forgot things so quickly after having a few beers. If you can call seven a few, that is.

"No, you're going to be staying with me for a bit. If that's okay with you?"

"Mmm," Paul hummed in reply. He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of John running his hands through his hair. It was soothing his headache which he forgot he had.

Pretty soon Paul got bored of the quietness of the bus, and started moaning at the feeling of John playing with his hair. Just to spice things up.

"Ooh, Johnny, tha' feels sssoo good." John quickly took his hand away from Paul's head, and glanced over to the couple in the front row. They hadn't heard him, or at least they hadn't acknowledged that they had heard him.

"Paul please be quiet," John whispered.

"Alrigh', alrigh'." Paul turned around and lay his head on Johns lap so that he was facing the roof of the bus.

"Hey, Johnny?" John sighed.

"Yes Paul?"

"D'you still 'ave the weary thingys I got?"

"The clothes?" John laughed.

"Yeah, those."

"Yes, I do." He had stuffed them in his coat earlier because he knew he'd probably forget them somewhere otherwise.

"When we get 'ome d'ya wan' me to give ya a fashion show?" Paul asked, smiling up at John. The older lad put his hand on Paul's cheek and looked him straight in the eyes.

"When we get home, you're going to bed." Paul sighed heavily.

"Bu' I wanna do somethin' funnn," he whined and put on pouty lips.

"Sleeping is fun."

"So is sex."

John covered Paul's mouth with his hand, wanting him to shut up, as a couple more people got on the bus. It was a group of women, all dressed up and wearing too much makeup. They sat down only a few rows away from John and Paul and started chatting away like they were the only people on the bus.

Paul seemed to have ignored their presence, only focused on getting Johns hand off of his mouth.

"You can lick me hand all you want, it won't bother me." Paul scowled and gave up with that plan. He wrapped his hands around Johns wrist and tried to pry his arm away from him. As always, John was too strong.

Paul crossed his arms in defeat, making John relax a little.

One of the overly dressed women looked over at the two lads with a concerned face. She scooted around in her seat to face them and asked,

"Excuse me, is he okay?"

"Oh, yes, he's just a bit sloshed is all," John smiled sweetly.

"Why are you covering his mouth?"

"The poor lad won't shut his gob, why else?"

The lady nodded and made to turn back around in her seat, but she stopped. She looked over the two boys again and opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it and turned to her friends. They whispered to eachother, throwing quick glances over at Paul and laughing.

'They're acting like birds at my school.' John kept his eyes on them, getting more pissed off by the minute. What were they saying?

"Pardon me, excuse me, pardon me, I couldn't help but wonder, what exactly are you talking about?"

The women looked at each other, trying to decide if they should tell him or not.

"You're little friend their, he's quite a pretty one, isn't he?" one woman said, pointing to the boy resting his head on Johns lap. John looked down and back up at the women, narrowing his eyes.

"I suppose so. Why?"

"We were all just saying that he looked a bit, well.....queer."

John sat back in his seat- his hand still covering Paul's mouth- and raised his eyebrows. Who did they think they were?

"Well, so do you, but I'm not going and running my mouth about it, am I?"

Paul struggled to look over at the women who seemed to be getting on Johns nerves. He didn't know what they had said, but he knew that John was getting mad, and that wasn't good.

John stood up abruptly, hauling Paul up with him.

"C'mon, Paulie. This is our stop." John turned to the women before getting off of the bus and gave them the two finger salute along with a friendly smile, to which they gasped and started yelling at him to get back there so they could smack him a good one.

Paul started laughing at this scene and threw his arm around Johns shoulder.

"I guess they don' know wh-who ya are, huh?" Paul said, laughing and stumbling along side John. He brought his face to Johns neck and started kissing and nibbling at it.

"You could 'ave them on the groun' in a second," Paul whispered in his ear, and began kissing down the back of his neck. John closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of Paul's lips against his skin, but it couldn't last. Even though they were in a quiet neighborhood and no one came out of their houses this late, there was still a chance that someone could see them.

"Paul," John said, reluctantly pushing the young boy away.


"No more. We're almost home."

"Fine," Paul mumbled.

They made it home, and John made sure Paul got to bed. Of course Paul wouldn't go to sleep without a bit of an argument (and a few attempts at getting into Johns pants), but he finally closed his eyes and drifted off.


A couple weeks had passed by quietly. Pete Shotton was staying as far away from John and Paul as possible, as was Dot. That wasn't a problem for either boy, quite the opposite actually.

Everything was all good and well, until Paul started to feel homesick. He hadn't seen his dad or Mike in a while and he felt bad. He just wanted to fix things.

And so, John and Paul stood out front of the McCartney house, looking to do just that: fix things.

"Are you sure I should go in, too. You're father already hates me guts. I don't think he'll listen to anything I have to say."

"You're going in, John. We're all gonna have a big sit down and talk things out." Paul squeezed Johns hand reassuring him that everything was going to be fine.

"Did you not hear what I just said? He won't listen to me, Paul. He hates me."

"He'll listen," Paul assured.

"If you say so..."

They walked up the steps and into the house where they were supposed to have this chat with Jim.

This would either go really good, or really bad.


This is a horrible chapter I'm so sorry. But the next one will be interesting...mainly because I have no idea what's gonna happen. But yes.

Thank you for reading :)

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