Chapter 18

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He didn’t know, he couldn’t know. No one knew about Tyler, no one.

That was the point: move to a new city, and start fresh.

 So why was he questioning me about the one thing I held dear to my heart, the one secret I had that no one else knew. I didn’t speak, not for fear that it wouldn’t happen again. I didn’t speak because I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn't want people to give me that look, to know what really happened that. It was all terrorizing, horrible but terrible all at the same time. And to relive that moment by simply remembering it or repeating it to someone else wasn’t what I had had in mind.

 “Taylor, you’re freaking me out here.” Shane said, giving me a look filled with confusion. “You just spoke, mumbling Tyler over and over again.”

 As he said the word spoke, I stared up at him. I did what? I did not speak. I don’t speak. That was what I’ve been perfecting for the last year.

 “Taylor, just tell me what happened.” Shane stated, his eyes pleading with mine. “Please.”

 My mouth was opening and closing, trying to answer him, but nothing came out. It was like Christmas all over again. I was trying to break my promise, to say what I wanted to say for long, but nothing would come out. Like my wound still hadn’t healed no matter how much I willed for it to.

 It seems as though Shane knew, like somehow he understood. All it took was one kiss, and the words came tumbling out my mouth. And just like that the vision cam clearly.

 "I was getting ready for dance, just walking out of the closet. It was the same as always and sometimes I hated being a twin. My brother, Tyler, always steals my pants, and wears them. Now I know what you’re thinking, why would he steal girls’ pants? This question has plagued many, but it’s an easy answer really. I did not wear girl sweat pants. It’s simple really.

 “Tyler!” I yelled as I riffled through my drawers. “Where are my sweats?”                              

 “Bottom left drawer, Taylor,” my brother replied as he casually walked into my room. He slowly wound his arms around my neck. “Lori, you know you’re the best twin I could ever ask for right?” That’s random, I thought. He always said weird things, though I should have been cautious this time. I didn’t know what was coming but it always wasn’t good.

I laughed, “I’m your only twin, Ty. Now get off me. I need to go shower and eat before practice.” He looked dejected, after my brush off of his affection. It should have scared me, but it didn’t. I was too busy trying to get to practice on time to notice the signs.

 “Kay, have fun.”

 I painfully waited as he leisurely exited my room. I grabbed the comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt, along with a sports bra and underwear.  Then I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower as hot as it would go. I got in and began to bathe. Fifteen minutes later, I’m out and pulling on my sweats. I run down stairs quickly trying to get some cereal.

 “Lori, if you don’t leave now, you’re going to be late for practice.” Tyler yelled at me from upstairs. How he could tell that I was still eating breakfast beats me. Must be the twin telepathy thing we seem to share. I don’t know how it worked, because it didn’t for me. But for him, he knew everything.

 “Alright, alright, Ty. I’m leaving.”

 I quickly grabbed my keys off the counter and slowly trudged out the door. I didn’t want to go to dance practice. I hated the sport with a passion, but I did it because Tyler wanted too.  We had promised each other that we’ll do any sport the other does; I chose soccer, he chose dance.

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