Chapter 11

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AN: play the song on the right, when she gets to the Sports Complex. Then afterwards watch the video. it has pieces of the dance she's doing, from the girl, Maddie Ziegler, in the video.

 “I am going to repeat my question. Evans, what the fuck are you doing with Taylor?” Shane asked through clenched teeth.

 “Excuse me?” Shawn retorted. “What claim do you have over Taylor?”

 “Evans, you were feeling her up!” Shane yelled.

 Shawn grimaced. "Well yeah I guess I kind of got carried away, but it's not like I was gonna force her into doing anything she didn't want to do. Especially at school."

 "Like hell you wouldn't," Shane retorted, standing up. "You know Taylor’s really vulnerable and you took advantage of that. I know all about you Evans, stay away from her."

 "Or what?" Shawn challenged, also standing up to meet Shane's face. "What can you do to me Grayson? You're not Taylor’s keeper you know and I'm not gonna stay away from her. Not until she learns the truth."

 "What that you would have taken her virginity in a heartbeat in front of over fifty people if she hadn't stopped you?" Shane said, sounding disgusted.

 "No that I'd never hurt her because I love her," Shawn snapped and then he stopped. He opened his mouth a few times trying to regain his composure, but failing to do so.

 He turned to face me when Shane grabbed his arm. "You love her? Bullshit. You really expect me to believe that?"

 I saw him rearing his hand into a fist. I stepped in between them and held out a hand. There was no way they were fighting at my expense.

 I shook my head at both of them, trying to tell them it was not worth it. Secrets were flying, and I didn’t know how Shane knew what Shawn had done to me before. More importantly, Shawn’s declaration of his love for me.

 They both looked down at me, sighing in defeat. At this point though, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I walked down the hall and right out the front doors of the school.

 I got into my jeep, and drove without a care of where I was going. I was too hurt right now; I wanted my old life back.

 I wanted to see Tyler and Dad, to run up to them and hug them tight. But no, they don’t live with use anymore. Mom goes as far to say, that they didn’t want us anymore and that we were abandoned. I refused to believe it.

 Tyler made everything better, he always protected me. Especially with the Shawn fiasco a couple years ago. I shuddered at the thought. Just by thinking about it, I was tearing up.


Somehow, I ended up at the old soccer field in Fort Lauderdale Sports Complex, about an hour away from home.

 My whole family used to come here, and this is where I learned to play. My dad and Tyler taught me, even though Tyler hated the sport. He was more the dancer and calm like person, while I was the sporty hyperactive child.

 I got out of the jeep, and walked into the center of the field.

 The wind blew through my hair, and a familiar scent of fresh cut grass, and soil wafted in through my nostrils. I missed this.

 I missed the sun scorching my back, the feel of the open air and space, and the soft plush of the grass beneath my feet.

 Instinctively, I began my brother’s first solo. He had practiced it on this field while I was in a soccer game. He had a competition right afterwards, and was running it over and over so he wouldn’t forget it.

 I began to spin around the field without any specific type of form or technique. I just spun for fun.

 I did a couple of fouette turns before I ran into the big leap and landed it into a drop turn. After that I couldn’t go anymore. I played the lyrics of the song in my head and I just sat there, crying.

 After a few minutes, I noticed a ball rolling away, and went to retrieve it to return to its owner. I picked it up, feeling the hardness of the ball, and rugged skin of it. It looked pretty worn and torn, like someone would practice with it every day and every moment.

 I gently placed it on the floor, juggling it between my feet. My heart began racing, adrenaline pumping throughout me. I dribbled the ball down the feet, relishing in how the skills came back to me so easily.

 I kicked the ball up and watched as it came back down towards me. I jumped up in time and butterfly kicked the ball into the goal. Remembering my father’s motto, fake left, jump right, keep the ball in sight. Step right, aim high, and watch that ball fly.

As I landed back on the ground, watching the ball go into the upper right corner of the goal, I smiled.

 For the first time in the past year, I felt alive.

. . .

AN: hope you liked it. the video to the side should convey her emotions perfectly, and show the dance she was doing. Comment, Vote, Fan. please, i need to hear your thoughts.



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