Chapter 3

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I shot right awake, tears streaming down my sleepy face. Waking up early was starting to get on last damn nerve.

Mentally groaning, I turned the alarm off and went right back to sleep. A few seconds later, though, my mom came in the room, “Taylor, do not go back to sleep. You are going to school today.”

Throwing my blanket off of me, I slid off the bed and right onto the floor. I took a few moments before I stood up properly and stretched.

I closed my curtains because the sun was too bright, and turned to take a nice warm shower in my en-suite. I grabbed a towel and some underwear before walking the bathroom.

As I stepped under the massaging spray of the shower, immediately I felt relaxed. I lathered shampoo into my hair to wash out all the sweat from practice last night. Then I washed my body and turned off the water. I grabbed the towel I had brought in and dried off before I put my underwear on.

I walked back into my room and smiled at the welcoming darkness. I had always loved being in the dark, it was nice and quiet; peaceful.

Holding my towel in place, I used my free hand to open the closet door and looked for something to wear. I finally decided on a pair of denim shorts and a plain red V-neck.

Pulling the clothing out of my closet, I heard my iPhone beep with a text message. Smiling, I saw Stephanie telling me ‘morning.’ I typed back a quick reply and went back to the bathroom to dry my hair.

Ten minutes later, I finished fish tail braiding my hair. I then brushed my teeth and put on my favorite necklace.

After giving myself a final onceover in the mirror, I left the bathroom and went to my window seat. Grabbing up my notebook and throwing it in my bag, I put the strap over my shoulder before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Running down the stairs, I smelt pancakes in the air.

Entering the kitchen, I smiled as I saw my mom in a pretty work dress. She looked slightly nervous as she was starting a new job—she used to homeschool me.

Smiling, I tried to calm her nerves. I gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. ‘You’re an amazing teacher and counselor mom. The patients will love you,’ I signed to her.

It looked as though my word had done something positive as she rubbed her hand over heart signing, ‘I love you.’

“Want pancakes?” She asked, smiling brightly. This was the first time she cooked since, well since forever.

I sat down at the counter and ate my pancakes as fast a starved football player would. My mother couldn’t refill my plate with pancakes fast enough.

“Alright, alright. That’s enough, Lor. You have your second day of senior to get to,” she stated, a bit sternly.

She smiled at me as though I was the best daughter in the world. I smiled back and signed to her, ‘Can I please not go?’

She smiled at me and shook her head. “Taylor, you have to get out there and make some friends. Living in solitude is not a healthy lifestyle.”

Sighing I replied with my hands, ‘I met someone new yesterday. She just moved here, and goes to dance with me. She knows how to sign.’

My mother beamed, “Really? What’s her name?”

‘Her name is S-T-E-P-H-A-N-I-E,’ I spelled out.

My mom smiled again, looking proud. “That’s awesome Taylor. See you can make friends and be social.”

I nodded while looking up at the clock. I was surprised it was already seven forty-five and that school was starting in a little less than half an hour.

Going over to grab my bag that I had set on the ground, I picked it up and threw the strap over my shoulder before turning to my mom.

I waved goodbye and walked out the front door.  As I walked down my driveway, I felt the rising sun beat down on my skin slightly. I could tell today was going to be hot, it was already scorching.

The drive to school was short and I finally pulled into the same spot from yesterday. Walking up to the school gates, I took a deep breath to prepare for this seven hour prison stay.

Even though I kept my head down as I walked towards my locker, I could still feel the questioning and awkward stares of the students loitering around in the hall. Someone must have told everyone of the new girl in school, who transferred in the middle of senior year.

As I reached my locker, the stares continued. 

“Hey Taylor.” I looked over at the person. It was Stephanie and I gave her a curious look as to why she would be here.

“I just started school here today,” she replied to my curious glance.

I held out my hand waiting for her to give me her schedule. After a second she caught on and handed it over. I looked it over to see that we had first and second period together, lunch and last period.

After I gave it back to her, I signed, ‘We have math, science, lunch and study hall together. Follow me, we can walk together.’

“Sure,” she answered. She was so nice and pretty. She could be popular and make new friends. I wondered why she would hang out with me instead. Whatever the reason, I was glad that I had actually made a friend.

. . .

AN: to the side is Brooke. i didn't bore you right? Comment, Fan, Vote



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