Chapter 4

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 It had been about a week since my first day of school, and I hadn’t seen him again. Things had gotten a bit easier, sans the fact Brooke still teased me but, the popular bad boy no longer tried to talk to me, and I had Stephanie as my friend.

It was Thursday afternoon and I slid onto the bleacher with Stephanie for lunch.

“Taylor, what are you going to do for your final performance this season?” She asked.

I really hadn’t thought about it so I shrugged. Dance wasn’t really my thing, I loved soccer. I loved the wind blowing through my hair, the adrenaline rush I get when I’m nervous before a game and most of all, the satisfied feeling of scoring a goal.

“Why not?” She questioned.

Again, I shrugged. It wasn’t something I was looking forward too. As if on cue, the bell rang, and both of us got up throwing away our lunches.

Having four classes with Stephanie though was actually comforting. I got to stay with her before and after lunch, and then at the end of the day in study hall.  It looked as though we were on our way to become really good friends. It felt a little bizarre to me; not talking to somebody my own age for so long and then suddenly, a girl that pretty similar to me is amiable to me and that was that, we became friends.

. . .

Once the final bell of the day rang, I told Stephanie goodbye and drove home.

It was uplifting that no one was home, well not until seven. I had four hours, in complete and utter silence. Although, it gave me too much time to think; to think about him.

In lieu of, scarring myself, more than I already am, I sat at the table and took out my textbooks. Now was a better time than any to get my work done. I began with my Stats homework, and quickly finished, seeing as I already took the course online.

After about two hours, I finished my homework, and was dressed for bed. Seeing as it was only eight, I turned on the television, scrolling for my favorite channel. I then spent the rest of the night watching Criminal Minds. Gosh, Reed was so cute. I love his nerdy ways.

. . .

The next morning at school passed by almost as fast as Usain Bolt ran in the 2008 Olympics. By the time lunch came around, I wanted to go home. I was exhausted and I didn’t want to do anymore work.

Walking out of the classroom, I turned in the direction of my locker and I frowned as I saw Shane waiting for me right there.

“Tay, want to eat lunch together again?” he asked with a small smile on his face.

I shook my head no, walking in the opposite direction of him.

As I continued walking the down the hallway, someone suddenly pulled me to the right and dragged me out the doors to the football field. “Sorry, I wanted to eat outside with you today,” he said, guiltily.

I reluctantly sat down, took out my lunch. He just stared at me in confusion.

“I don’t get it. I know you’re shy and all, but why won’t you speak?” He questioned me.

I moved my shoulder up and down, dismissing his question. He was getting anything out of me. He barely even knew me and he thought I was shy. I’m not shy, I don’t speak. Is that a crime? I didn’t think so.

For the most of the time we just sat there quietly eating our lunches. I pulled out a packet of Swedish Fish and smiled at the yellow packet. Boy, Swedish Fish are yummy.

I looked up and saw Shane’s eyes beam at my hands. Hmph, he must like these too. I decided to play nice and gave him a few of the red fish. He stuffed all of them in his mouth at the same time. He smiled, teeth all stuck together by the gooey fish, and I giggled.

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