Chapter 14:Champions League, Back to university

Start from the beginning

"Yep." Amelia walked over the bed, and sat down near the suitcase with her legs crossed. "I can't actually believe that I have less than 15 days of intership left."

"Are you happy or sad?" Julian moved the suitcase from his bed after he zipped it up. He layed down on the coft covers of his bed and put his head in Amelia's lap. The female certainly didn't mind him there, she just brought her hands into his hair and started playing with the short ends.

"I don't know. Maybe stressed a little. Intership was definitely the easier part." She shrugged and puffed her cheeks so she looked like chipmunk. Really funny chipmunk with messy hair and glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"I have no doubts that you'll be done with it before I can blink my eye." Julian squeezed her cheeks feeling the soft skin under his fingertips. He almost laughed at her squeezed face that looked so mushy and funny in the same time.

"What would I do without you?" She laughed wholeheartedly, her melodic laugher echoing in the now empty room. His heart fluttered slightly as if it was ready to fly out of his chest. This kind of Amelia was the prettiest to him. She was always beautiful to him, but this kind...kind of Amelia that laughed honestly, and meant it. Happy Amelia and calm with no trace of anger on her face. Amelia that was relaxed and enjoyed life. Amelia that was out of her shy armor and that was free. Free from her parents, somewhat free from Jody and definitely happy.

"I don't know." He laughed along with her. "I know that I'd be doomed without you." Now it was turn for her heart to flutter, actually not flutter, to drum like crazy in her ribcage almost breaking it. Her wide smile reached her shiny eyes that looked as beautiful as the night sky full of stars. She didn't blush, but she felt complete. Amelia felt so complete with him, wanted. Not in the gore and dirty way. She felt wanted like the human being, like she was worth of something. It was almost sad how she didn't know what was she worth of. Julian did, he knew she was worth suffering for, she was worth fighting for and was worth of every fraction of love, every fraction of happiness and the smallest kinds of appreciation.

Julian got up, surpiring Amelia who was still sitting on his bed looking at him in wonder. She might have knew him good, actually really good, but sometimes she just couldn't figure him out. He was like a riddle, giving away much but the answer always hidden behind the all the tricks. With him, there were no tricks, there was no hidden truth, there was nothing standing between him and her. They were one heart, one soul but two people, two bodies.

He grabbed her hands that were barely visible thanks to the song sleeves of his long hoodie. He gave her one of his bright smiles that had the power to blow her away from her feet. She loved how bright his smiles were, and how his eyes seemed to shine little bit more and how his eyes squeezed slightly and how happy he looked. She just loved him. From head to toe, from his most shallow parts to one he held deep within. Making such a list, would get Amelia with endless am out of paper and dozens of used pens.

She gave him a questioning look on which he only replied with same bright smile. Cheshire cat. Julian definitely reminded her of that happy-go-lucky cat from the book she read many many times during her childhood. He stood there bringing his face closer to hers and looking her in her eyes, expecting to feel his soul being exposed once again.

"I love you." He said, slowly like he meant it, the pure raw love literally coming out. Radiating from him. He expected to feel his soul being exposed but this time, and for the first time since he met her, he could actually see deep into her soul. Like she did to him. Only now he knew why it was so hard to see what he desperately wanted to see. Her soul, her eyes were like the universe. So huge, complex and beautiful. So beautiful, gorgeous, out of this world. The way her eyes trully shined when she was happy and when she smiled like that, no wonder not just anyone could see that.

The Aftertaste // Julian DraxlerWhere stories live. Discover now