Chapter 34-Pissed and Pissing

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***Sofia's POV***

I sat on the couch blankly with my eyes narrowed. I still wasn't too fucking sure if last night was a dream or not. And if it was; I'd love to know what the fuck just happened. Jayy knew I was in there. I was the one who was supposed to not know it was him. So why'd he kiss me? I mean I guess it's all part of the game; right?

I felt my phone vibrate, and I picked up the text.

Max; Babe? Where the hell have you been!? You havent texted me back in forever.

Me; Sorry Max. I've been a little busy with Warped.

Max; Warped is more important then me?

Me; Well no I've just been really busy. I havent seen these guys in a long time...

Max; Well you never sent me my proof.

Me; I'm not dealing with this right now Max.

Max; Excuse me?!

Me; I'm not dealing with your bullshit right now! I'm already in the middle of something and I don't need this fucking shit!!!!!!!

Max; I'm going to fucking kill you.


Max; You little bitch!

Me; That's me! GOOD.BYE.

Max; This isn't over yet.

Me; Didn't think so

Max; Fucking...I'll get back to you on this shit; expect it.

I let out a loud groan and threw my phone onto the couch cussion beside me. I put my face in my hands and sighed. Jesus christ; I don't want to deal with his shit anymore. Why am I dating him? He's such a dick! I don't want to be with him...

Because I want to be with Jayy...

But that won't happen...Ever. And he'll never know about this.


I got a knock on PTV's trailer later on. I rose sluggishly to answer it. Vic and the others were out for the day with SWS so I was home alone. I answered the door to see Haley.

"Hey bitch," She laughed and brushed past me, taking a seat in one of the loveseats.

"Hey," I moaned and rubbed my eyes as I plopped down on the sofa.

"What's up?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Max, Jayy, Alchohol," I whined and giggled a little.

"What happened in that closet last night? We knocked at the 7 minute mark, but you guys stayed in there for like 2 minutes more," She laughed and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't even know. I didn't think..." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Didn't think he'd kiss you?" Haley grinned wide.

"Yeah," I laughed.

"Did he make the first move?" I nodded to her. "Holy shit! You knew it was Jayy right?"

"Of course," I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch.

"Then why'd you guess Andy?!" Haley leaned forward in her seat.

"It would've been too embarassing for the both of us," I shrugged and looked across the room into nothingness.

"Well let's put this into a 'possible' situation," Haley began. Awe shit. "Let's just say Jayy likes you; and now he thinks you only kissed back because you thought it was Andy. I mean that is; IF he likes you,"

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