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Prologue! Hope you guys like it!


James P.O.V


"What kind of idea is that, Spock?!" I yelled out. Everyone stopped their work and stared at Spock and I. I gave them the turn around sign, and they got back to work. I pulled Spock out of the command deck. I saw Uhura give me a questioning look and I gave her "it's fine" gesture.

"I personally think my idea is a great idea. Every living being on this ship agrees also." Spock said calmly. "You. Spoke. To. Everyone. On. This. Ship. About. This. But. ME!" I scream-whispered. "No. I did not tell Anna. Kicking her off this ship will make her hate you even more than she does now. You specifically know being here on this ship, was her dream since human age 7." He said.

I nodded my head. "Yes, Yes I know." I sighed heavily. "But why him? Why Khan? He killed her child-hood friend! OUR childhood friend!" I looked down and I blinked back tears. I know how Spock doesn't handle human emotions well.

"At least can we put her with someone else?" I asked surprised by my calmness. Spock shook his head. I grunted frustratedly. I crossed my arms, thinking about other punishments. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Uhura. "It's for the best James." She said. Spock nodded.

"She's my little sister I just want her to be safe, she's the only family I have left." I said. "Khan's cell is the safest cell on any Starfleet ship." Spock informed me. "She'll be fine, trust us." Uhura said. "James, this is the only thing we can do for her, besides kicking her off this ship and sending her to prison!"

"Okay, fine. But if anything bad happens, You guys are responsible." I said pointing at them. Uhura smiled and Spock just stood there. Uhura slapped him on the shoulder. He nodded immediately. I dismissed them and I went to my cabin to think about how I was going to tell her.

I decided Im just going to tell her and walk away. Well my plan got thrown away because: she was in her cell, rocking back & forth, crying her eyes out, saying "Im sorry I would never do it again." But it came out mumbled. It was pretty pitiful.

When she saw me, she stopped rocking and stood up immediately, she pressed herself against the glass. I opened the cell and I hugged her. She sobbed into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry James, I really didn't mean to do it. Please don't kick me off the ship. This means so much to me. Please! I'm so sorry!!"

I rubbed her back and calmed her down, "it's okay, calm down we're not going to kick you off this ship!" I said reassuringly. She sat back with a huge smile on her face. She had smeared make-up all over her face but at least she stopped crying.

"Really?! You're not! Well m, what are you going to do to me?" She asked. "Well first I'm going to get you out of this cell. Then I'm going to let you sleep in your dorm. After that, I'm going to tell you your punishment." I said in one breath. "Tell me my punishment please, so I can sleep it over!" She pleaded.

I sighed. "Well, it's bad." I said. "What can be worse then losing your dream?" She asked. "Being Khan's prisoner guard." I said. Hoping she wouldn't faint, scream, or even dance.

She just sat there in a daze, THEN she fainted. She reacted better than I thought. I began to bring her into her room. Khan didn't react very well, I don't know how he could hear us. Well he did and his response was pounding on the 9 inch glass. I stopped, Then I heard the glass breaking.

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