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Thalia didn't scream as the gun shots were fired. Her mother fell to the floor, gun in hand. She killed herself, before Thalia could even blink. Fear paralyzed her. She hears Jason coming out of his room. She wants to yell at him not to, but her voice doesn't work, and she can't move. All she can do is stare at the blood oozing from her mother's head as she lays motionless in the floor.

"Thalia..." Jason whispers. Thalia snaps out of it and turns around to hug her little brother. "Shh..." Thalia says as tears fill her eyes. "I know it's not okay... But..."

Thalia was at a loss for words. They had just lost there mother. How were thing supposed to be okay? Things would never be the same for them from now on, and Thalia knew it. She knows that Jason knows it too.

Jason wraps his arms around his sister. Thalia can feel tears wetting her hair. "I love you Jason..." Thalia mumbles into his chest. "I love you too sis," Jason says his voice full of disbelief. Thalia knows that he can not believe this anymore than she can.

This is all my fault... If I didn't bring up dad... Dammit. Why did have to bring up dad? I should've known better to do that while she was drunk... Mom is dead because of me...

"Thalia," Jason says in almost a whisper. "This is not your fault."

Thalia pulls away from her brother and meets his eyes, wondering if she said that out loud and not in her head. Jason pulls her back into a hug, and Thalia brakes down crying.

Thalia has never broken down and cried before. Not about dad. Not when her grandparents died. Not when her dog died. Not when she got hit by a car when she was twelve and almost died. Not when they lost Jason in the mall when he was two, and took three hours to find him.

Thalia never broke down because she had to stay stable for Jason. She had too be strong for him. If she showed weakness, she considered that as not being strong. She knew Jason looked up to her. She was his role model, his hero, the girl who could face anything, and was always brave.

Now she broke that wall down. Maybe she isn't just crying about their mother. Maybe she's crying about everything. Everything that she has been holding in for so long. She's also crying because she let Jason down. She broke down, proving to him that she was weak. Right when Jason needs her most, she brakes down.

"Thalia," Jason pleads. "Please stop crying...please."

I can't stop Jason... It's too much... I... Yes you can. Stop crying. Jason needs you to be strong. He wants you to be strong. You need to pull it together. Now.

Thalia lets go of Jason and stops crying. She wipes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. "I'm... Fine..." She says not meeting her brothers eyes. Jason looks like he was about to say something when Reyna ran into the room...

Village of Secrets (pjo/hoo fanfic) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now