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"Fag!" Drew calls as Nico walks down the hall to his locker. Ever since Drew found out that Nico di Angelo was gay, she made sure to make a huge deal over it.

Last year, a guy named Percy Jackson went to Venus high school and Nico totally had a crush on him. Of course, Nico had to tell him, only to get rejected. Then of course, word got around and the whole school knew. Percy got kicked out of school at the end of the year. 

Nico knew he would never see him. Truth be told he had mixed feelings about that. On one hand he was glad that he would never see Percy Jackson again, because he knew that he would never have a chance with the guy. On the other hand, Percy Jackson was his crush and Nico wanted him to be his boyfriend.(If only he wasn't straight.) Nico did not care about Percy now. Percy was gone, and Nico moved on. There was no point on crushing on a straight guy that moved away.

Nico keeps his head down as he walks down the hall to his locker. Of course, he doesn't look where he is going and runs right into an open locker. "Ow!" Nico says taking a step back. 

"Oh my God," a guy's voice says shutting his locker. "Are you okay?" 

Nico looks up and sees a tall, muscular, blonde hair, blue eyed, sixteen year old guy. "Yeah," Nico mumbles. "I'm fine." 

"No you are not," the guy says. "You have a bloody nose. Come on, I will take to the nurse." 

Nico wants to say no and walk away, but the guy has his arm wrapped around him and is already walking him there. Nico sighs as he walks with him. 

"You're Nico right?" The guys asks, breaking the silence. 

"Yeah," Nico mutters. "The gay guy..." 

"I didn't know you are gay..." 

"Are you new or something? Everyone else knows..." 

"Well... I am gay too..." 

"What's your name?" 

"Will Solace." 

They reach the nurse's office and Will smiles at him. "I should go to class," Will says, letting go of Nico. "Yeah," Nico mumbles. 

"See you later?"  Will asks meeting Nico's eyes. 

"Yeah," Nico says trying not to stutter. 

"Awesome," Will says calmly as the bell rings, and Will rushes off to class.

Village of Secrets (pjo/hoo fanfic) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now