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As usual, school sucked and Percy was glad it was over. Percy is also mad that it was only Monday, which meant he still had school the rest of the week, and the rest of the school which sucks because it's only November.  

Percy is driving into town. He plans on going to the public library to study. He doesn't want to, but he promised his mom that he would keep his grades up. He parks the car, locks it, and goes inside the building. He scans the selves of books, not really caring about finding the books he's looking for. 

Percy hears a crashing sound and goes to look in the next isle. A blonde girl is sitting in the floor, picking up the books which she has dropped. Percy walks over and helps the girl pick up the books. "Thanks..." She mutters. 

"Can I help you carry some of these?" Percy asks, wanting to help her and not worry about his own problems. "Sure," The girl says bitterly, finding an empty table to sit the books on.  The girl takes a seat and opens a book as Percy sits the others next to her. 

"Are you okay?" He asks taking a seat next to her. She looks up from her book. Her stormy gray eyes stare at him, with what looks like all the hate in the world. Her curly blonde hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail. Percy also notices that she is wearing an Athena's private school uniform. 

Even though this girl looks like her death stare will actually kill him, Percy can't help but find her beautiful. "Sorry for asking..." Percy blushes. "I'll just leave now."  Percy tries to stand up but the girl catches his arm. "Wait! Please stay..." Percy sits back down in the chair, as the girl lets go of his arm. 

"I am just really stressed out..." The girl says, undoing her ponytail. "How come?" Percy asks looking at her. 

"Well," she says taking a deep breath. "My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend and now they both hate me. My step mom and brothers hate me. My dad does not love me. Everyone at school ignores me, and I have a major test next week, that if I don't get an A on, my life is over."

"Wow. That sucks," Percy says, as the girl messes with her hair. "What's your name?" 

"Annabeth," she says, looking at him. "I know my life sucks. What's you name?" 

"Percy. Look I didn't mean-" 

"It's okay," she smiles. "Things might be hard right now... But once I get my life together... Everything will be okay." 

Percy knew that kind of smile. The smile Annabeth was giving him was a fake smile. Maybe she was not trying to convince him, maybe she was trying to convince herself. He puts his hand on top of hers, and their eyes meet.

"I know a fake smile when I see one," Percy says getting lost in her eyes. After a few minutes of silence. Percy takes his hand off of hers. "Hey... Do you want to come to the beach with me? It is not to far from here. We can watch the sun set." 

"Why should I trust you?" Annabeth raises an eyebrow. "You could rape me, or kill me, or kid nap me." 

Percy blushes embarrassed. "Oh..." 

"Just kidding." Annabeth smiles and laughs. "Sure. I'll go to the beach with you. We can take a taxi." 

She stands up from the table and walks to the door. Percy follows her out. They take a taxi to the beach, not saying a word the whole ride. Annabeth kept her eyes focused on looking out the window. Percy kept his eyes on her. She was beautiful.

Percy did not expect her to say anything to him. Much less, tell him her problems and say yes to going to the beach with him. 

Finally the taxi dropped them off by the beach. They go and sit on the cliff over looking the ocean. 

"This is nice..." Annabeth says laying down. "Yeah..." Percy agrees laying next to her. The sun is setting, casting a beautiful golden glow over Annabeth. They stare into each other's eyes, getting lost in them. All thoughts left Percy's mind. Annabeth... laying here, on this cliff, her shoulder touching his. 

As the sun disappears into the night sky, Percy leans in and kisses Annabeth on the lips. It wasn't a deep, strong, passionate kiss. It was soft, gentle, just a brush of lips on lips.  

Village of Secrets (pjo/hoo fanfic) [On Hold]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant