82. Seeing the Impossible

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Severus chuckled. "Look. What that man told you might not even be true for all you know."

"That would explain a lot, Severus. If the person after Harry is on the inside, that's how they got to the Fat Lady and everything. Besides, he had no reason to lie to me."

"Maybe he just wanted to scare you."

"For what reason?"

"I'm not sure, but it sounded reasonable."

She smiled. "I'm just glad I have you to keep me sane."

Severus opened his office door for her. Once she was inside, he followed and shut the door behind him. "I'm glad I have that effect on you. Anything I can do to calm you down, just let me know."

"How about a kiss?"

He smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."

Severus walked over to her and captured her lips with his passionately. Alaina nearly melted in is arms, glad to be kissing him, because as long as he was she could forget about everything else.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Severus and Alaina pulled apart and he went to get the door. Much to their surprise, Dumbledore was standing there.

"Oh I hope I'm not interrupting something important," Albus teased, his eyebrow raised.

"Just a bit of snogging," Alaina said. "Come on in."

With a smile, Dumbledore came into the office. Severus closed the door. He knew what the Headmaster was about to say was probably something he wouldn't want no one else to hear.

"What brings you here, Albus?" Severus asked.

He sighed. "Nothing disastrous. I just wanted the two of you to patrol around the castle tonight if you will. The story you told me about Harry's Firebolt is chilling especially if it was Sirius as you believed it to be, Alaina. I just want to make sure that no strangers find their way into this castle."

Alaina and Severus had gone to Dumbledore's office after talking to Harry that night and told him what happened out on the bridge and what the stranger had said.

"Did you get a chance to look into anyone inside who might want to hurt Harry?" Severus asked curiously. He didn't want to admit it, but it had him worried too. Especially if there was any truth to it.

"Alas, no. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Not one of the staff members exhibited any characteristics that would suggest they were under the influence of the imperius curse or polyjuice potion or anything like that. Everyone seems normal."

Alaina let out a sigh of frustration. "It doesn't make any sense."

"No, it doesn't."

"We will do the patrol tonight," Severus told him. "We'll be on the lookout for anything strange."

She nodded in agreement.

"Great. And if I do find anything alarming I will let you both know."

"Thank you," Alaina said.

Dumbledore told the two of them goodbye and then went on his way. Severus turned around to face Alaina once the door clicked into place. He smiled at the way her nose was wrinkled in concentration. She looked up at him.

"I guess it's going to be a late night tonight, isn't it?"

Severus nodded. "Yes. Do you suppose we should take a nap right now to prepare?"

Alaina grinned slyly. "I like that idea."

She led the way to his private quarters and shut the door once they were inside. If there was one thing she definitely didn't get enough of, it was sleep.

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