I looked in the mirror satisfied with my appearance and jumped the steps down towards the kitchen where my parents were happily chatting away. I headed to the fridge and grabbed a red apple from the fruit draw.

"Here's 10 dollars for lunch." Mum grinned passing over the blue note sneakily.

"Mum I can pay for my own lunch, you know this." I groaned, they laughed.

"When you were younger, you use to sneak a 5 from my wallet every week, now you're here, telling us not to give you money." Dad questioned, with a goofy smile on his face. "What's next? You hate tacos?" He chuckled.

"Yeah when I didn't have a conscience." I snickered. "The good Ol' days."

I kissed mum's cheek sneaking the 10 across the countertop secretly and hugged my dad before walking out the house, with my keys in my hand. I chucked the apple into my bag and hopped upon baby blue.

"God I missed you." I hushed, pulling my helmet onto my head, before putting my key into ignition and revering the motor awesomely, then speeding down the road, safely of course. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

I sped down the quiet road, feeling the warm embrace of the summer breeze whiplashing across my skin, a loud motor cut me out of my thoughts, as a car collided with me in the middle of the intersection. It was as if everything slowed down. My body flung off the bike against the windshield and then into the air while my bike flew up in another direction, smashed glass flew up with me from the car's Windows, the strange scent of whiskey made its way onto everything, including parts of my skin. It all of a sudden sped up as my body hit the hard tar'd road, and rolled a few metres, while the car came to a sudden stop. My eyes became blurry, the same time the door to the land-rover busted open, the man saw me and ran to my side, his drunken stage seeped through his skin as he shook me gently, his dark eyes began to shed tears while yells escaped his mouth, that was the last thing that my brain could conjure up. While more hands began to grab me.

"HELP, CALL 000!" His voice broke as he cried.

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